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Tver - Split 5


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4 hours ago, nack said:

This reminds me of the drama at Voro some time ago,only more violent when Messa fucked Christy good and the other girl attacked Christy, injuring her.

Just like what I said last night. If she doesn't care or isn't mad then there's no reason why anybody else should be.

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4 minutes ago, helicopuma said:

bon ils ont vite oublié, ca baise dur lol

La nuit derniere il etait trop ivre pour bander.  S'il s'etait occuper d'elle au lieu de boire et d'argumenter avec Ivo, probablement que la situation n'aurait pas dégénéré.  Niki a flirté sa copine sous ses yeux et il n'a rien vu.

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Yet to see if that couple gonna stay.  But I'm not impressed by their first fuck.

The guy puts on a condom, goes inside her without any foreplay.  5m38 sec later, pulls out, remove the condom and mess up her back.  That's it, il's all over.  Didn't care that his girl had no climax.   Hopefully, he will do better next time

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2 minutes ago, nack said:

Hey Ben,i know its offtopic but the following visual of Toronto is spectacular.I have it on my Big LED Live and it is Awesome !!



Yep it is nice.  It is an awesome experience to go up there.  Can't go there often as it is quite far from home but it worth the trip

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