vortios Posted October 26, 2016 Posted October 26, 2016 I have not followed, and after what I'm seeing, not going to go, I get the impression that you are the typical self-destructive partner. Personally, I do not think I bring anything. And as some say and rightly so, if they hide under the covers ... for that I see and enjoy other couples.
ARMY SNIPER Posted October 26, 2016 Posted October 26, 2016 On 10/25/2016 at 6:41 PM, F219 said: At least Smith can get it up easy compared to Paul. Expand Yes but paul lasts longer,,,a whoping 3 minutes. Not really must use in getting it up at all if it only lasts only a minute to a minute and a half.
ARMY SNIPER Posted October 26, 2016 Posted October 26, 2016 Holy Shit...she has done everything but rub it in his face and he is still sitting there.can he not figure out she is horny and she WANT"S SOME.
F219 Posted October 26, 2016 Posted October 26, 2016 On 10/23/2016 at 7:12 PM, Dakes90 said: the girl is pretty hot...i feel for her tho'...that guy is a "one and done" - one minute and then he's done.....i hope it gets better :P Expand On 10/24/2016 at 1:28 AM, ARMY SNIPER said: If he just lasted one minute, then paul (The three minute man) should be happy then. Expand On 10/25/2016 at 6:41 PM, F219 said: At least Smith can get it up easy compared to Paul. Expand On 10/26/2016 at 12:38 PM, ARMY SNIPER said: Yes but paul lasts longer,,,a whoping 3 minutes. Not really must use in getting it up at all if it only lasts only a minute to a minute and a half. Expand That was already stated by you. Not sure why the comment.
letsdothis Posted October 26, 2016 Posted October 26, 2016 On 10/24/2016 at 1:43 PM, lemondrop said: Kitty and smith have messed with bathroom camera Expand Send RLC an email asking if they would look into it and adjust it, if needed. As a member, they may be more accommodating to you, than they would one of us lowly, "non-authorized users", as they so rudely like to call us. Here's just one example of how they have helped when I've asked. Last Christmas, I asked RLC if they could ask Nina and Kira if they could move their Christmas tree. They had set it up in front of camera three, such that it blocked about half of the sofa. To my astonishment, a couple days later, they had moved it across the room, to where their cat tree used to be. That's why their cat tree is where it is, now. They never moved it back. And there have been other instances, as well. Now, I'll agree, last Christmas, things may have been different than they are now or at least there may have been a different mindset, then. What I'm saying is, they can be helpful when they want to be. And you're more likely, as a member, to be helped than I would, with the current mindset. Members even have a special email to use over us "non-authorized users". Hope this is helpful. 1
henriPas Posted October 26, 2016 Posted October 26, 2016 On 10/25/2016 at 9:29 PM, zobi1985 said: Effectivement...la video va sortir d ici demain mais sur un autre site...les gens qui poste et partage cache leur code donc rlc ne peut les banir!j'ai des dizaine de videos gratos d'un ami qui ne sais jamais fait bannir et qui partage. Et apparament la video de la baise dans la chambre est de mauvaise qualité. Expand parce que certaines personnes partagent. Pas comme certains... 1
moos54 Posted October 26, 2016 Posted October 26, 2016 On 10/26/2016 at 2:12 PM, henriPas said: parce que certaines personnes partagent. Pas comme certains... Expand suffit pas seulement de cacher son code pour ne pas se faire bannir je vois que tu donne la leçon, mais je vois pas beaucoup de partage de ta part autres que des cams gratuites ou tu sais que tu ne risque pas grand chose ;-) c'est un peu facile de laisser les autres jouer a la roulette Russe, sans jeu de mot de ma part, avec un barillet complètement charger
zobi1985 Posted October 26, 2016 Posted October 26, 2016 Perso moi je partage pas sur cam caps qui est rodave à 100km par RLC.mais sur un autre site.et tans que tu cache le code en bas à gauche tu craint rien.
moos54 Posted October 26, 2016 Posted October 26, 2016 On 10/26/2016 at 4:37 PM, zobi1985 said: Perso moi je partage pas sur cam caps qui est rodave à 100km par RLC.mais sur un autre site.et tans que tu cache le code en bas à gauche tu craint rien. Expand ok cool pour vous alors mais ca tiendra qu'un temps tout cela
smurfy08 Posted October 26, 2016 Posted October 26, 2016 On 10/26/2016 at 4:37 PM, zobi1985 said: Perso moi je partage pas sur cam caps qui est rodave à 100km par RLC.mais sur un autre site.et tans que tu cache le code en bas à gauche tu craint rien. Expand C'est vrai, les watermarks sont simplement des effets spéciaux ! Ton autre site est probablement connu par d'autres membres de CC et ne soit pas étonné si un jour tes partages se retrouvent aussi ici...et la boum !
zobi1985 Posted October 26, 2016 Posted October 26, 2016 surement qu'il sont connu,et surement que des vidéos à nous sont re partager ici.sans ton watermark RLC ne peut pas te repérer!
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