winnlove Posted February 8, 2016 Posted February 8, 2016 Adèle et Danaya s'entendent très bien car elles partagent pour le moment pleins de choses. Ilona est jalouse, et a essayé de s'interposer entre les 2! Danaya n'a pas accepté le comportement encore égoïste d'Ilona et cela à séparer les 3 filles! Ilona n'a plus rien à faire dans cette maison, il faut la remplacer. Elle devient trop encombrante à ce qu'on peut voir ici.
canito Posted February 8, 2016 Posted February 8, 2016 shes jealous of what though she isnt with danaya if she i going to get jealous of every girl that comes here then she shouldnt be in the apartment.
le furet Posted February 8, 2016 Posted February 8, 2016 totalement raison :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Noldus Posted February 8, 2016 Posted February 8, 2016 Adele is good to wiggle ass, let's hope we get some more shows down :woohoo:
upndown Posted February 8, 2016 Posted February 8, 2016 Very interesting this evening. Ilona came down and joined the two girls in her normal 'look everyone I'm here' manner. She had to sit on the end, as Danyana was in the middle. Adele was doing most of the talking, and was directing her eyes at Danyana, not Ilona. Ilona moved closer to Danyana to get into Adele's line of sight, but Adele moved slightly to angle her vision again at Danyana. By this time, Ilona's smile had been replaced by a scowl. There was some kind of disagreement between Ilona and Adele, which was evident by the way Danyana kept her gaze fixed solely to the front, so as not to appear to take any side. Eventually Ilona said something to Danyana that she plainly did not like, and she stormed off upstairs. I wish I could speak Russian, but I don't so it's a bit of an informed guess. From their actions, I would say Ilona is more than a little pissed off by Adeles' unwillingness to be subservient. I think she tried to show her power to Adele by telling Danyana to do something, and Danyana rebelled. I think that Ilona could now be in trouble as her hold has been broken. Time will tell! :scratchchin: :scratchchin:
Benfold Posted February 8, 2016 Posted February 8, 2016 Very interesting this evening. Ilona came down and joined the two girls in her normal 'look everyone I'm here' manner. She had to sit on the end, as Danyana was in the middle. Adele was doing most of the talking, and was directing her eyes at Danyana, not Ilona. Ilona moved closer to Danyana to get into Adele's line of sight, but Adele moved slightly to angle her vision again at Danyana. By this time, Ilona's smile had been replaced by a scowl. There was some kind of disagreement between Ilona and Adele, which was evident by the way Danyana kept her gaze fixed solely to the front, so as not to appear to take any side. Eventually Ilona said something to Danyana that she plainly did not like, and she stormed off upstairs. I wish I could speak Russian, but I don't so it's a bit of an informed guess. From their actions, I would say Ilona is more than a little pissed off by Adeles' unwillingness to be subservient. I think she tried to show her power to Adele by telling Danyana to do something, and Danyana rebelled. I think that Ilona could now be in trouble as her hold has been broken. Time will tell! :scratchchin: :scratchchin: I didn't see the disagreement with Adele, but I think you are right on everything else I could see. I think we can all agree that this is good news - anything which pushes Danaya away from Ilona and closer to Adele is good news to me!
winnlove Posted February 8, 2016 Posted February 8, 2016 Pour moi aussi, et nous sommes surement nombreux à le voir et à le penser. Chaque fois qu'Ilona n'est pas le centre d'intérêt, cela ne lui plait pas, et elle fait en sorte soit de se rebeller, soit d'éloigner les autres filles! Elle la fait avec toutes les filles qui sont passées ici dans sa compagnie. Danaya et Adèle sont des filles intelligentes et matures, Ilona est complètement dépassée cette fois!!
winnlove Posted February 8, 2016 Posted February 8, 2016 Si Irma revient, ça va être la Fête tous les jours!!! tous les soirs!!! et aussi avec Anna, qui semblait avoir une certaine maturité et une maîtrise de soi dans la maison.. Vivement du changement....
canito Posted February 8, 2016 Posted February 8, 2016 upndown i agree with you thats basically the same thing i saw.i just think like i said in my post ilona got jealous cause anna and irma were talking now shes acting the same way with danaya and adele if shes going to get jealous of every girl is this apt.she shouldnt be here.just my opinion.but you know what i dont feel sorry for ilona im glad danaya put her in her spot its about time someone has her pussy where it belongs good for you danaya.this ilona thinks her pussy made out of gold but in fact in gold filled of :BS:
hflyer Posted February 8, 2016 Posted February 8, 2016 May I ask the experienced users in CC if its allowed to to say.. "Go to google, type this that and this, switch to images and see what you get" ? No names will be mentioned, just plain ordinary words. There is something I want you to search and you will be surprised by the result and I don't want to violate any CC rules :) I am in RLC for about a year, on and off like most of you and about 9 months in CC just reading your extremely interesting topics. Thank you guys !!
daily Posted February 8, 2016 Posted February 8, 2016 Je pense que Dayana prends sur elle pour l' instant concernant Ilona sachant qu' elle va peut etre bientôt partir et ca serait une bonne chose sinon dans le cas contraire si iLona restait après le 18 Février il risque d' avoir des étincelles souvent J' avais supposé il y a trois semaines que ILona était à l' origine du départ de Irma et Anna parce qu' elles volaient la vedette à Ilona maintenant je vois que beaucoup de personnes ouvrent les yeux
Benfold Posted February 8, 2016 Posted February 8, 2016 Je pense que Dayana prends sur elle pour l' instant concernant Ilona sachant qu' elle va peut etre bientôt partir et ca serait une bonne chose sinon dans le cas contraire si iLona reste après le 18 Février il risque d' avoir des étincelles souvent I believe that Ilona does not have to leave after the 18th...bad news
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