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Barcelona Apt. #1 - General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos (2016)

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If she has received a 500 € note or even more on her night trip, she really maintains high standards. Good for her. I doubt one can get 500 € notes from the ATMs in Barcelona, I wonder if Danaya even has a bank account in Spain if she is there only on a short term visa.

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Kelev, did you read what Yury said ?? he said she borrowed it from Adele, that she will be paid on the 27th. that is exactly one month from the time she arrived to RLC

Yury, Once again let me apologize for the forum, they seem to be really selfish here lately !!!! We all are very thankful for the time you take to better help us understand the girls.

Please do not under any circumstance feel obligated to respond to any request from a forum poster !!!!!!! :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: Guys give the man a break and maybe just maybe if you pay close attention to what you se you can figure a lot of this out on your own. That is why the good lord gave a brain in the big head and only desire for sex in the little head.

I along with many forum posters are thankful that you take the time you do out of life  to help us, but only choose to help if want, not because these people won't leave you alone  :screwy: :screwy: :screwy: :screwy: :screwy: :screwy: :screwy: :screwy: :screwy: :screwy: :screwy: :screwy: :screwy:

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If she has received a 500 € note or even more on her night trip, she really maintains high standards. Good for her. I doubt one can get 500 € notes from the ATMs in Barcelona, I wonder if Danaya even has a bank account in Spain if she is there only on a short term visa.

I have attached a picture so all can see the size of the euro banknotes versus US banknotes. Judge for yourselves, but I think it is a 50 euro note.


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elle n'a jamais pris de préservatif

faudrait arrêter cette légende ou tomber dans la paranoïa a chaque fois qu'elles sortent  ^^

ça n'a rien en à voir avec de la paranoïa. Pour le billet il  n y avait aucun doute, par contre pour les clefs j'ai regardé la vidéo plusieurs fois et visuellement ce n'est pas clair. Heureusement que Yury comprend le russe et l'entend parler de clefs.

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We all are very thankful for the time you take to better help us understand the girls.

I along with many forum posters are thankful that you take the time you do out of life  to help us, but only choose to help if want, not because these people won't leave you alone  :screwy: :screwy: :screwy: :screwy: :screwy: :screwy: :screwy: :screwy: :screwy: :screwy: :screwy: :screwy: :screwy:

+1 to that

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ça n'a rien en à voir avec de la paranoïa. Pour le billet il  n y avait aucun doute, par contre pour les clefs j'ai regardé la vidéo plusieurs fois et visuellement ce n'est pas clair. Heureusement que Yury comprend le russe et l'entend parler de clefs.

Beh monte le son car on entend bien le son de clef et pas autre choses :-)

J'ai cru à une petite blague de ta part en fait car tu n'es pas du genre à inventer une vie aux participantes

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