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Barcelona Apt. #1 - General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos (2016)

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I return to the moment of the three girls of B2 in Sia's room, to say that Sia, whenever she could leave the party ...
Well the case is that I do not know that they spoke, Kitek that land I leave it to you ...: D
The case is that Lima had gone to the toilet, on the way back, after a few seconds in their place (I do not get to sit), she went to Nicole, by the way to Lima and you could see the alcohol in her way of walking ...
The point is that the conversation with Nicole was not like Jess's ... because Lima, insisted again and again on the same explanation (I do not presume anything, no idea what they talked about ...)
The next question I want to put to you is when Mich went to Jess, because she knocked on the bathroom door, and I think something Nicole answered, I guess Busy !, and Jesee went back to the dining room, while Nicole opened the door because she had Finished, and upon opening it did not find anybody, therefore she followed in its subject ...
Mich on returning to the dining room, something Lima was saying, and she was quiet for a few seconds, then said something that made Jess spring up, but Mich held her up ... Seconds later Jess went into the bathroom where she was still working Nicole, there was a long conversation, and interesting things were said, who knew to read the lips and in Russian ... lol
It is true for those who say Jess did not want to get into controversy, because she does not make a good face while talking to Nicole. What we do not know is that if they talk about the smell of the house, the plague Lima had to drink after drinking ... or one of the boys who lacked a little hygiene ...
They talked much more, I assume that they do not know that the camera has no sound, because they whispered all the time ...
To finish another block, I do not know that I painted the return of Mich to the toilet, if I knew before that the two girls were talking ... My feeling is that Mich told them something about the situation of the house, there was a gesture indicating from outside to the Interior, since they, I think they agreed to what she said.
The moment of departure, I do not know, since I left the camera :( (for a couple of minutes was blind ...
When the cameras returned, everyone was at the table again.


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Well I waited all day for a Nicole shower and she duly obliged just as I finished my jobs. She certainly isn't camera shy in the shower! She was full on most of the time, unlike others I don't need to mention. Just hope she has take this to her bedroom now...::)

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