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Barcelona Apt. #1 - General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos (2016)

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4 minutes ago, phantomcapsnet said:

A man with Nicole  on the balcon ?

Nicole went to the Lima room, they started to talk, but asked her to go to the balcony, I guess to speak with a little privacy. Lima accepted, and Nicole went to her room to put on some pants, and down. Lima just put on his robe ... Nicole, seems very happy with her experience yesterday.

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Good afternoon gentlemen, How is everything going in the aprtments today ? Seems like Jessica is doing her thing again, I just love to watch a woamn rub a lotion on, don't you ?

I see we having a little problem again staying on topic here in this thread, so I figure it is best to let you read the rules of this forum, and the rules of this thread.

I find these rules really apply and should be followed by all members and non memebers posting in the forum threads.

5) Do not flame-bait, flame, or attack other member’s comments or tenants actions without explaining yourself. Treat others and their Comments and/or Quotes with respect. Especially in the RLC Apartment and Old Dudes threads, treat other members and tenants with respect. It is fine to disagree with another's opinion or to critique the action of the tenants, but do so in constructive ways using socially acceptable language.

Please Stay on Topic. Any Off Topic Comments or Quotes will be removed.

f you're going to chat about anything other than the Apartment. Please use the Proper Threads for that Subject.

If there isn't a Subject, Please make one.


Please Note: Everyone has the right to express their opinions and to be heard.

Not everyone is going to share that same opinion and everyone has the right to express themselves in a Respectful Manner.

Do not attack another Members Comments and/or Quotes just because you don't share the same views.

Any Derogatory Comments Will be Removed.

Please Note that will include any qoutes to the particular off topic posts.

As always thank you for cooperation

Keep on postin boys.

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What is interesting is that I understand the transcripts in a radically different way than all of you. Everyone is piling on Nicole and blaming her for everything (and yes, this girl seem a bit childish at times), but jess seems as intolerant as Milena on that count. Plus Danaya accusing her of things she didn't even do, blowing things out of proportion, and trying to sway Michelle ... In my eyes the blame is very largely shared.

The only one who stayed classy in this mess is the most despised girl of these forums, aka Michelle.

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15 minutes ago, phantomcapsnet said:

no estoy seguro . Ella tiene un permiso de residencia europeo

It would be the first girl who stays for more than three months ... Anyway, Lima said in a telephone conversation and then I think Kitek commented that Lima told Jesus, that she (Lima) had plans for January. So it is difficult for her (Lima) to stay at home for much longer.

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5 minutes ago, vlkvlk111 said:

What is interesting is that I understand the transcripts in a radically different way than all of you. Everyone is piling on Nicole and blaming her for everything (and yes, this girl seem a bit childish at times), but jess seems as intolerant as Milena on that count. Plus Danaya accusing her of things she didn't even do, blowing things out of proportion, and trying to sway Michelle ... In my eyes the blame is very largely shared.

The only one who stayed classy in this mess is the most despised girl of these forums, aka Michelle.


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6 minutes ago, vlkvlk111 said:

Lo que es interesante es que entiendo las transcripciones de una manera radicalmente diferente a todos ustedes. Todo el mundo se está acumulando en Nicole y culpándola de todo (y sí, esta chica parece un poco infantil a veces), pero Jess parece tan intolerante como Milena por ese lado. Además Danaya acusándola de cosas que ni siquiera se hacen, soplando las cosas fuera de proporción, y tratando de influir Michelle ... En mis ojos la culpa es compartida en gran medida.

El único que se quedó con clase en este lío es la chica más despreciado de estos foros, también conocido como Michelle.

Why criticizing a girl's attitude is defending another? I criticize what I do not like within RLC, whether it's Nicole, Jess or Lima.

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