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Anna & Alex - Part 1

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33 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

By the way, the guest girl getting dressed at 0654 was the sexist part of the night for me. Wow! She has a body to die for.


33 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

By the way, the guest girl getting dressed at 0654 was the sexist part of the night for me. Wow! She has a body to die for.

I only got the image howard put up, both of them look ing good. 

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1 minute ago, koshxxx said:

i'm not  here to judge, but they drank a lot. Everyone there could barely walk by the end. How can anyone perform if u can't even walk or stand up. Any ways i just started my own party here with my girl. And the night is still young night all.

Have fun, 

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3 hours ago, ashleyxyz said:

Wow, i just got on here, looks like i missed a disaster, sounds funny though. Why with a chance for a foursome, and knowing there will be a dickfail if you drink to much, drink soda!! Its not just Alex, a lot of guys have that problem when they drink way too much. All the guys on here can pull there pants up from around your ankles. 

Only explanation is he did it on purpose as a convenient excuse for when he would fail. I'm starting to think he doesn't want to do them, but he doesn't want Anna to dump him over it either. So he is using alcohol as a crutch for his failure. 

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Anna and Alex have woken up and are smiling at each other, they're all right there. Thanks

I hope Anna has room to talk to the girl and get around all the discomfort she has had there.

We still have opportunities to sequence after what has been unfinished and interrupted by the pressure of alcohol. Fact

Similar to the previous 4some if someone still remembers.

Good morning and Sunday to everyone.

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4 hours ago, koshxxx said:

i'm not  here to judge, but they drank a lot. Everyone there could barely walk by the end. How can anyone perform if u can't even walk or stand up. Any ways i just started my own party here with my girl. And the night is still young night all.

Yes, you are absolutely right !!
There comes a point where alcohol numbs the movements and senses.
This is the reason for advice not to drive, navigate, pilot or anything that depends on perception and motor reflex to actuation.

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Now the couple also woke up and the girl is in possession with her companion (?).

Anna is the only one who can talk to the girl before they go. And so attenuate and circumvent the situation.
After all she herself had sometime on this side of the line.

For me it is clear that this couple went through their first 4some experience. They are not "professionals" in this.

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Then everything is ok there. We did not have "casualties," "dead and wounded."

The girl already smiles and apparently Anna did her "magic" again !!!:biggrin:
Really she's unbelievable !! Alex is lucky to have her as his mate and by his side.:angel:

To some discontent here. What a pity!!!!!:cry:

Congratulations and move on! Twisting hard for it (still):cool:

And I hope to see them return on a new and better occasion.:biggrin:

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