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Barcelona Apt. #1 ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos January to March 2017

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2 hours ago, cwouters said:

For the beginning It would be good if the opinion of others were respected here. That's not the case. I believe here are are people who have made themselves to protectors of the girls because they love them, or even believe they get their facbook addresses when they unconditionally defend them. And these people do not accept anything that is just a bit critical.

I agree.  We need to respect everyone's opinion, and we need to respect the girl's decision to be a part of the RLC experience.  We all know the degree of "real life" we have here...we don't need to beat it to death.  We also don't need to question the personal morals of the girls.  They are young, ambitious, and want to entertain.

Who are WE to judge?  i say "Just Enjoy"...and if not, then why are you here?

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Guest beaver67
1 hour ago, gelsgels6 said:

I agree.  We need to respect everyone's opinion, and we need to respect the girl's decision to be a part of the RLC experience.  We all know the degree of "real life" we have here...we don't need to beat it to death.  We also don't need to question the personal morals of the girls.  They are young, ambitious, and want to entertain.

Who are WE to judge?  i say "Just Enjoy"...and if not, then why are you here?

gels- a lot of us have been saying what you just said for a long time, but there are always a few who have to say ugly things, and doubt if it will ever stop- all we can keep doing is remind them- just saying

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4 minutes ago, beaver67 said:

gels- a lot of us have been saying what you just said for a long time, but there are always a few who have to say ugly things, and doubt if it will ever stop- all we can keep doing is remind them- just saying

I know what you are saying, Beaver...I just thought it couldn't hurt to remind the oldies and inform the newbies.  We all know who the "Negative Nancys" are.  We need to just ignore the negative, and comment on the respectful suggestions and criticisms that are posted.  Many here make very good points.

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Moral statements, attacks on participants, even people who fight for what? To the participants?
Why defend the participants and what? Who gives us the right to become Robin Hood?
You think people really care about your opinion? People are more adult than they seem to say here.
This is a forum open to people who see RLC, and who think about houses and their occupants, unfortunately, there will always be people who do not think like us, and can say things, which we would not say, but that gives us the right to Become the police that say what you can say and not say?
Entering a free forum, we assume that there will be things that we will not like to read.
As for the people who want to direct directly to the participants ... because they do not open a specific thread for that?
That is to say, if I were a big fan of Irma, and I wanted to tell you things (of course I have no interest in doing so), there would be a thread dedicated to Irma, calling it "For Irma con amor ...", to forgive this little mockery.
Now seriously. Live your fantasies with the girls, and film the movies you want with them, but remember there will be other people who do not see that same movie as you.

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13 minutes ago, beaver67 said:

gels- muchos de nosotros hemos estado diciendo lo que ha dicho durante mucho tiempo, pero siempre hay unos pocos que tienen que decir cosas feas, y la duda de si alguna vez deteniendo todo lo que podemos seguir haciendo es recordar a ellos- sólo decir

What is it for you to say "ugly things"?
I have read the last 20 pages, and I have not found any insult to anyone in the forum. Only disagreement of opinions. Moreover, they talk about things that the participants themselves have spoken in front of the cameras.
So why are "ugly things"?

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Guest beaver67
1 hour ago, gelsgels6 said:

I know what you are saying, Beaver...I just thought it couldn't hurt to remind the oldies and inform the newbies.  We all know who the "Negative Nancys" are.  We need to just ignore the negative, and comment on the respectful suggestions and criticisms that are posted.  Many here make very good points.

yes they do- that is because we show the respect to each other & the girls, and still have fun

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Guest beaver67
1 hour ago, vortios said:

What is it for you to say "ugly things"?
I have read the last 20 pages, and I have not found any insult to anyone in the forum. Only disagreement of opinions. Moreover, they talk about things that the participants themselves have spoken in front of the cameras.
So why are "ugly things"?

I disagree with what you are saying vortios, but you and I have our own opinion of what we read, and how we interpret them, and yes ther have been some "ugly things" said about the girls in the last 20 pages- just saying is all

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