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Barcelona Apt. #1 ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos January to March 2017

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Je viens de recevoir une longue lettre de RLC  pour mieux comprendre leurs  directives    vis a vis des filles ,  je vous la soumet :


Merci de nous contacter. 

Nous comprenons votre position, mais nous avons pas de restrictions pour les clients pour nos participants, il est à eux. 

Afin de mieux comprendre: nous avons ici à la ligne de soutien recevoir de nombreuses demandes et les souhaits opposés, quelqu'un veut voir plus d'hommes impliqués, d'autres demandent pas d'hommes du tout. Tant d'hommes, tant d'esprits. 

S'il vous plaît, essayez d'avoir une idée de la conception du projet: les gens vivent sous des caméras et font ce qu'ils veulent, pas ce que nous ou si vous voulez qu'ils fassent. Comme nous le savons, l'équipe de gestion RLC interagit avec les participants comme moins que possible. Mais nous laissons définitivement la direction au courant de vos souhaits et préoccupations. 

Aussi, nous pouvons vous assurer que nous travaillons à présenter de nouveaux couples le plus tôt possible. 

Merci de votre compréhension. 

Équipe de soutien, 


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1 minute ago, Billybob said:

She nipped at Danaya. With Jess it was full on oral.

The evening with Rus ... I watched the videos, Jessica fingered, Irma fingered, Irma and Jess tried to wank Rus, but I did not see that Irma had blown him, all just handwork.

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5 minutes ago, nagachilli2 said:

I said my piece about Alex and all Irma's so called friends the other night when he was there. I find it all a bit creepy. Men in the apartments are fine, Nicole has has 2 blokes who seem like decent guys, but I'm sorry guys. Irma's friends are fucking weird and the sooner she leaves the better as far as I'm concerned, Don't get me wrong I've always liked Irma but for me her time is up...Sorry Ben...

Wait let me get this straight,,you no longer want Irma to be here because of the guys that she brings over?,,,, Because the guys are fat, creepy, weird and not decent like Nicole's guys.

Are you here to look at Irma or to look at the guys she brings over?,,,,Why would you want irma gone because of a guy she brought over?

If that's the case then every female that brings over a guy that some of us don't like their times should be up too,,starting with the Queen Nora all the way to Anna and Now Irma.

Nobody has ever been as entertaining or as popular as Irma,,,the countless polls speak for themselves,,,,,I respect your opinion but you are treating Irma rather unfairly because of her guests that she brings to the apt.::):arrow::angel:


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3 minutes ago, euromike69 said:

Wait let me get this straight,,you no longer want Irma to be here because of the guys that she brings over?,,,, Because the guys are fat, creepy, weird and not decent like Nicole's guys.

Are you here to look at Irma or to look at the guys she brings over?,,,,Why would you want irma gone because of a guy she brought over?

If that's the case then every female that brings over a guy that some of us don't like their times should be up too,,starting with the Queen Nora all the way to Anna and Now Irma.

Nobody has ever been as entertaining or as popular as Irma,,,the countless polls speak for themselves,,,,,I respect your opinion but you are treating Irma rather unfairly because of her guests that she brings to the apt.::):arrow::angel:


Yea yea I know thesta and his polls :biggrin:

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11 minutes ago, eremes said:

The evening with Rus ... I watched the videos, Jessica fingered, Irma fingered, Irma and Jess tried to wank Rus, but I did not see that Irma had blown him, all just handwork.

She didn't. He'd talking about when Irma gave Jessica a massage, and ended up eating her out

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27 minutes ago, isidore57 said:

I just received a long letter from RLC to better understand their directives vis a vis girls, I'll submit:


Please contact us.  

We understand your position, but we have no restrictions for customers for our participants, it is theirs.  

To better understand: we here at the support line to receive many requests and wishes the opposite, someone wants to see more men involved, others not ask for men at all. So many men, so many minds.  

Please, try to get an idea of the project design: people living under cameras and do what they want, not what we or you want them to do. As we know, the RLC management team interacts with participants as less as possible. But we definitely let management know about your wishes and concerns.  

Also, we can assure you that we are working to introduce new couples as soon as possible.  

Thank you for your understanding.  

Support Team,  


RLC should have never sold this Apt as an all girls apt in the very beginning,,,that's where they fucked up at,,,,,That's what their newsletter said the very first time the B1 apartment opened up,,,,and then from out of nowhere Kiko showed up to fuck Nora.

RLC we have too many fucking apartments with men and or couples,,,,,, We liked the idea you had at first when it was supposed to be an all girls apartment,,,but then that fantasy got fucked up with the constant flow of men coming in and out (No pun intended:biggrin:)

An all girl apartment should consist of all single females having fun and enjoying each other's company,,and entertaining us.

There are so many other apartments that offer male and female sex,,,,this one was supposed to be unique,,with guys being here,,it should no longer be called and all girls apt.

Maybe a swingers club,,, or something else that fits the format of what it is now. I have no interest in seeing Another guy fuck these women,,,my fantasies always involve me and a female,,so if I'm thinking about any of these females getting fucked,,I would never wish to see a guy come over and fuck them for me to see and jack off while watching that shit,,, I fantasize about being on that Master bed and having the Twins,Irma and Stella fuck me to death,,,,,but as they say different strokes for different folks. I thought that I was a naughty person until I came here,,some of you guys with your freakiness you have and the request I hear you make of these ladies, you got me beat by a thousand miles.belly-laugh.gif

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