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Barcelona Apt. #1 ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos January to March 2017

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So last night my internet crashed just as Gina was going to bed, and I didn't get it back till this morning, and tonight B2 UM, and Gina's escaped me again...Difference is we can't this UM on replay...:angry:

Goodnight everyone, goodnight B2, if there's anyone still up...:sleepy:

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3 minutes ago, West_California said:

oh thank you, i was hoping it would be around the 1st of the month....

what do you get  4 cents ? you should get more than me & snake..

I had to take that from my Pension.    :biggrin:

What we do on the Forums is Voluntary.

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20 minutes ago, West_California said:

in moderating, do you  have a list of derogatory words that shouldn't  be used ? or is it an on the spot decision ?

sometimes i see moderation being done, sometimes not.

how do you decide what to jump into and what not to ?

I don't care about vulgarity in words -- sometimes "bad" words are more effective in getting across and idea, and "bad" words vary from culture to culture.

It's vulgar thinking that's used just to stir up trouble that I mind, especially when people do it just to start a food fight or violate the Rules.

Myself, I only signed on for part-time, and we Mods do have an outside life to which we must attend; the traffic on here is heavy and it's not possible to catch everything. We rely on our respectable members to report infractions when they see them and appreciate their help.

Sometimes we will ban someone (rare, actually), put someone on the time-out chair, PM a member with some polite "guidance," or simply remove a post that breaks the Rules. We also pow-wow on a regular basis with one another so we can keep informed of each others' actions. We also are known for using preemption to stop an argument before it causes an all-out riot.

We do not bother much with Rants & Flame Wars or Worldwide Politics because there are virtually no rules there (thank goodness), but we like our apartment threads to be clean since most members come here to read and discuss the tenants and don't like to scroll past violent arguments or radically off-topic posts (like this one! :biggrin:).

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