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Barcelona Apt. #1 ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos January to March 2017

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9 minutes ago, nagachilli2 said:

I was caught between 2 stools there DES. I agree with you but also think van makes a good point...:dodgy:

They're good points as he sees them. To me they're just minor details that have no bearing on the overall picture. Now if she had stayed in her room last night then that would be different. But she was involved all evening.

And it doesn't really matter. I took a lot of grief as did a few others for liking Megan.

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4 minutes ago, Skookum said:

Anyone find out who the guy was that showered with Irma and Nic last night?

From Yury;

Show was not planned at all. The girls cooking a cake for Nora, and the guy just went to visit without prior notice. He wanted to leave after the preparation of the cake, but the girls persuaded him to stay and play cards.


Irma invited the guy to stay the night in the living room. But he refused. He said that he needed some fresh air and to comprehend what happened. This guy does not have a girl at the moment. In the morning Nora said that he had no women for 2 months. 
The guy says he will be in the living room and to think that the girls sleeping next to. He can not sleep. Irma jokes and says that they will lay down with him on the couch in the living room. Irma will be on him, and Jessica at her. 
The guy said that then his balls explode.
Irma turned to Jessica and said: "forgive him (for being what he leaves), we teased him."

He thanked the girls for a good time and a beautiful show. Then he leaves.

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21 minutes ago, MrBox said:

That comparison would actually work fine, if RLC would also rotate the residents of the couple apartments every 3 month. ... but ... Lets face it. Most of the couple apartments are boring like hell and even the apartments with interresing people lost a lot of their excitement after a few months (to up about a year). 

Especially, the last days have shown very good that Barcelona work also well with guys. Not because there gender, but because there were some visitors. If RLC would supress this part, it would reduce the fun to watch this apartment extrem. ... Maybe it is more easy, if the few people in this forum with guy phobia learn to overcome their dislike. :)

Because that's Real life is Boring that's the truth , otherwise why lot's of people looking for some Excitement , I am with you RLC should change cupels apartment at least every 3 months we get tired  looking same faces lol 

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10 minutes ago, MrBox said:

Esa comparacion funcionaria Realmente bien, si RLC también giraría los residentes de los apartamentos par Cada 3 meses. ... Pero ... Deja La Cara EL. La mayor parte de la pareja Apartamentos Son aburridos Como el demonio y Hasta los Apartamentos Con las Personas interresing Perdido Mucho de su Entusiasmo col Cabo de meses de UNOS (ONU Hasta Máximo de Un año). 

Sobre Todo, Los últimos días de han Mostrado muy bueno Que El Trabajo de Barcelona también bien con los chicos. Sin Porque el género, sino habia Porque algunos adj Visitantes. Si RLC podria suprimir this parte, se reduciría la diversion to see this extrem apartamento. ... Tal Vez Más Fácil mar, si las personalidades Pocas En Este foro con la fobia chico Aprender a Superar su aversión. :)

You have your point of view, and you want everyone to keep in mind, but you do the same with the rest? Sometimes I question it.
Let me then, make an argument to your words ...
Affirms that couples houses are boring, why?
What was the difference between these last three months between the girls 'houses and the couples' houses?
In percentage, you are more likely to see explicit heterosexual sex by a couple than in the homes of Barcelona.
In a very high percentage of the RLC audience, you want to see sex (and you only care about sex), saying otherwise would be inconsistent.
On the other hand I see that the girls of the houses, Nelly, Dasha, Leora and company are not appetizing, I've been a year, and for example I have seen a show of Adriana and her boy, who already want to see in a porn movie. Review the comment I made on your thread.
On the other hand, and if you are more interested in seeing girls who do much more than sex, have you bothered to see Anabel?
A girl who besides being pretty, who is very open when it comes to sex, and besides, she knows how to make music ... a novelty ... (let the joke), I know that Nelly also plays the violin (which I think Which should play more at home)
On the other hand you have Julie, "new girl", you will like it or not, but she is the most recent.
To finish and if you want, do not answer me, it's your right.
How has it been all these months where there were no boys coming in to fuck at home? It must have been for you, or for many a nightmare.
I will continue to vote so that in the houses there are no boys, (and every time I reaffirm myself), but as I promised a person today, I will not touch that topic any more (but you know, because you read me a lot, because I say it )
And I suppose you will continue to vote because all the girls in the houses are taken by men.
As you see it is only a matter of taste.

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7 minutes ago, Noldus said:

From Yury;

Show was not planned at all. The girls cooking a cake for Nora, and the guy just went to visit without prior notice. He wanted to leave after the preparation of the cake, but the girls persuaded him to stay and play cards.


Irma invited the guy to stay the night in the living room. But he refused. He said that he needed some fresh air and to comprehend what happened. This guy does not have a girl at the moment. In the morning Nora said that he had no women for 2 months. 
The guy says he will be in the living room and to think that the girls sleeping next to. He can not sleep. Irma jokes and says that they will lay down with him on the couch in the living room. Irma will be on him, and Jessica at her. 
The guy said that then his balls explode.
Irma turned to Jessica and said: "forgive him (for being what he leaves), we teased him."

He thanked the girls for a good time and a beautiful show. Then he leaves.

thank you yury and nodlus

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11 minutes ago, Noldus said:

From Yury;

He wanted to leave after the preparation of the cake, but the girls persuaded him to stay and play cards.

Irma invited the guy to stay the night in the living room. 
Irma jokes and says that they will lay down with him on the couch in the living room. Irma will be on him, and Jessica at her.

Would you get a look at that... the girls actually LIKE guys visiting... for all those misguided ones that want to believe something crazy like "he's making the girls uncomfortable" or "the girls want him to leave" or he's a creep or a predator or something else equally ridiculous.

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Guest beaver67
1 hour ago, Noldus said:

From Yury;

Show was not planned at all. The girls cooking a cake for Nora, and the guy just went to visit without prior notice. He wanted to leave after the preparation of the cake, but the girls persuaded him to stay and play cards.


Irma invited the guy to stay the night in the living room. But he refused. He said that he needed some fresh air and to comprehend what happened. This guy does not have a girl at the moment. In the morning Nora said that he had no women for 2 months. 
The guy says he will be in the living room and to think that the girls sleeping next to. He can not sleep. Irma jokes and says that they will lay down with him on the couch in the living room. Irma will be on him, and Jessica at her. 
The guy said that then his balls explode.
Irma turned to Jessica and said: "forgive him (for being what he leaves), we teased him."

He thanked the girls for a good time and a beautiful show. Then he leaves.

thank you Noldus & Yury

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