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Barcelona Apt. #1 ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos January to March 2017

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3 hours ago, vlkvlk111 said:

While I do appreciate lesbian teasing and sex, I am subscribed to a site called REAL LIFE cam, not puppet show cam. The freedom for the tenants to invite whoever they want (including guys) for whatever they want (including tv watching and/or fucking) is a basis.

The staged faux-lez massages and body paintings ostensibly for the show bore me (but I don't spend hours and hours whining on the forums, I keep silent and let those who enjoy it in peace without pissing on their plate), because they are contrived and only for bonuses. Anything spontaneous is good in my book.

The best lesbian events (Heidi, B2 orgy - which included a guy who was insulted non stop until shit happened)  we have seen thus far were unexpected and spontaneous. Raising pitchforks everytime the girls deviate from the giggling sapphic girls script some people have in mind is counterproductive.

That freedom Dima and Lola took during three nights, including the shady aspects (drugs ...), while the cc forums were burning with outrage and tantrums, gave us B2 orgy. If B2 had been the dull girl only convent people are clamoring for, we would have had pre planned chocolate massage #62. Yawn.

TLDR : the best lez action in Barca happened on the tenant and guests own volition, fostered by a sense of unrestrained and unhibited freedom. Trying to regulate, including banning the freedom to have (and fuck) guests is counterproductive.

You were doing good till that. I really don't like blanket statements. It ruined your post.

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6 minutes ago, BBsq69 said:

Seems like a quiet relaxed evening. I hope nothing planned and they just put on some music and dance. And with Nora and Irma drinking things may heat up naturally.

Did you say the bathroom camera's improved - well that's 5 months too late!


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58 minutes ago, beaver67 said:

Harley- I did see that, but I could not tell if Irma did or did not lick Nora's pussy- so I didn't comment, and what I was mainly saying in my post was that, when the girls go outside of the apt others are saying they are doing all kinds of sexual things- and I say show me the proof- that's all. Why say something- like you know what is going on, and in fact you do not have the foggiest idea of what they are doing. do you see where I am coming from ???????

Beaver,  you must obviously think I'm stupid!   Yes there are people that say what they think is happening out of the apartment, including me, and so what.  What freaking difference does it make........NONE at all!!   You say show me proof and I say show me proof that they don't go outside the apartment and do all kinds of sexual things.   You see where I am coming from????????   My point is just as valid as your point......can you hear that!!!

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Just now, HarleyFatboy said:

Beaver,  you must obviously think I'm stupid!   Yes there are people that say what they think is happening out of the apartment, including me, and so what.  What freaking difference does it make........NONE at all!!   You say show me proof and I say show me proof that they don't go outside the apartment and do all kinds of sexual things.   You see where I am coming from????????   My point is just as valid as your point......can you hear that!!!

Harley, every time you go out of your apt. are you going out to have sex  ??  Or see a movie or go bwling or just for some errands   ??

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Guest beaver67
1 hour ago, HarleyFatboy said:

Beaver,  you must obviously think I'm stupid!   Yes there are people that say what they think is happening out of the apartment, including me, and so what.  What freaking difference does it make........NONE at all!!   You say show me proof and I say show me proof that they don't go outside the apartment and do all kinds of sexual things.   You see where I am coming from????????   My point is just as valid as your point......can you hear that!!!

no Harley, I do not think you are stupid, and understand you point of view completely, and know where you are coming from, and you know at the end of the day it is really a mute point, because I do not see anybody providing any proof, and the few all of us have had have been in translations- can you hear me now hahahaha

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9 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

Beaver,  you must obviously think I'm stupid!   Yes there are people that say what they think is happening out of the apartment, including me, and so what.  What freaking difference does it make........NONE at all!!   You say show me proof and I say show me proof that they don't go outside the apartment and do all kinds of sexual things.   You see where I am coming from????????   My point is just as valid as your point......can you hear that!!!

There was a guy who continually posted that people were having sex whenever there was a male and female out on the balcony at the same time. Of course we all believed that was rubbish until Caro and Lola went out to the balcony together and that made me think. Unlikely but not impossible things were happening out there. Do I believe girls are having sex out of the apartment? Yes and I think I have good reason to. Do I believe it is at all common, no. But the tales that when - DAMN missed Nora's pussy again! - a couple of girls go out they are having sex with each other in a hotel room like I have occasionally said. Of course not! I don't believe most of these girls are anywhere near as lesbian or bi as they make out.

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8 minutes ago, legrandrobert said:

Harley, every time you go out of your apt. are you going out to have sex  ??  Or see a movie or go bwling or just for some errands   ??

First off, I don't live in an apartment, I live in a house.  Secondly, I go out for all kinds of reasons,  but the difference is...is that I'm not in the sex trade industry!  

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