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Barcelona Apt. #2 ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos January to March 2017

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1 hour ago, wathou said:

Well thank you for the extra bit of information ^^ let's hope nicole doesn't drag her friend outside of the appt everyday :X 

Nicole is outside a lot and still one of the best girls ever in barcelona.  ... :) ... RLC is about the real life and not about to stay in the apartment all the time. ... :) 

They can have an issue, if the girls limit themself in the apartment (e.g. like most of the time in the K&K apartment) or are outside almost all the time, but it should never be an issue to have a real life as part of the project.

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1 hour ago, Sergio said:

so it's not a friend on a visit to Nicole, but it is a girl who participates in all RLC effects usually do not keep for a long time two girls in the same room, so who knows who goes away

I think in B2 Danaya will likely be the next departure. She was translated as saying she will be home in 1 month and a half and thats a fair few weeks ago.  

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4 minutes ago, sulzer25059 said:

I think in B2 Danaya will likely be the next departure. She was translated as saying she will be home in 1 month and a half and thats a fair few weeks ago.  

According to past translation threads I believe it was stated Feb.15th or 20th.

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If this was a friend visiting Nicole she would stay a week maybe two and then leave without her name being listed. This is a new girl to replace Michelle that just happens to be Nicole's friend. Nicole  probably could not get permission to move to B2 so she came up with this new girl and RLC approved because they had no one else to replace Michelle.

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1 minute ago, Snakeater said:

If this was a friend visiting Nicole she would stay a week maybe two and then leave without her name being listed. This is a new girl to replace Michelle that just happens to be Nicole's friend. Nicole  probably could not get permission to move to B2 so she came up with this new girl and RLC approved because they had no one else to replace Michelle.

...and lets hope it benefits us...::)

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And again I get shot down.

I wouldn't know about her shows because I don't watch her. To me she is just a girl that stops by to eat, shower and sleep. Nothing more. But I do find it funny that people are making excuses about her being on the phone and out of the apartment. When she's been on her phone and out of the apartment from day one. And no need for a knee jerk defense response from the fan club. I didn't make that up it's fact.

I've kept my opinion of Nicole to myself (and I don't repeat what I think over and over like some do) because the fan club is only interested in comments that meet the Nicole can walk on water and change water into wine test. It's at the point now that if a comment even hints that it may relate to Nicole the knee jerk defense response happens. i just laugh when someone says "I know Nicole isn't prefect" because that's just a smoke screen to cover what they really think.

This post is long so I guess it's been bugging me and since it's going to be the only post I make on this subject I may as well go all out. 

I agree Nicole is a very good looking woman. But I think she is a very selfish self centered person. She only cares about what she wants and if people don't like it they can pound sand. Reading the post from last night someone said she was there because it was her job. Well that wasn't far off. It sounded like she only showed up because she thought she had to. Maybe there was a bonus for it. From what all of you said about the disagreement why else would she be there. 

 I neither like or dislike Nicole I'm neutral about her. I'll say it again I do not like or dislike Nicole I an neutral about her. An I clear enough on that?

This post is only partly about Nicole. It's also about how the fan club is reacting other members where Nicole is concerned. I'll do my best not post anything about or related to Nicole, Estelle or the fan club from this point on. Stepping on others peoples fun isn't my thing. Estelle is Nicole's friend so I included her.

Now I know the fan club is likely to be indigent about what I said. But before you make a knee jerk defense reply I suggest you read the post again and take a minute to think about it. Nothing I've said here is out of line and I'm not criticizing Nicole or the fan club. It's not my place to judge anyone. If I don't like the way things are going I stay away. Which is what I've been doing. It's my opinion and my observations based on what I see and what I read in here. I know some people are not interested in reading such things but a few people are so I'm sharing mine even though I know it will upset some. (They'll get over it)

Okay I got that off my mind so I'll let it go. Unlike the people that keep fanning the flames about the disagreement the girls had. .I may or may not reply to comments made about this post. We'll see. 

Rant Over.( We now return you to the B2 UM watch.


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