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Barcelona Apt. #2 ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos January to March 2017


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And now she blows on the candle to find the complete black !!! Is this also a mistake? Do you think nicole sees it clear in the dark, like a cat? She knows perfectly that we do not see anything, because the guy does not want to be seen on the internet doing sex, so they cut the light !!!

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5 minutes ago, piedpiper1968 said:

It is too coincidental that she flipped a switch and the cam went blank. Intentional or not that seems to be the issue.

That was planned the cam went out as soon as they got into the sex.  Now I see why the girls hate Nicole that piece of crap!!   She is hot but her attitude sucks!! 

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I have never believed in coincidences in RLC. These things always happen when there is something interesting but the only interest of RLC is scamming people. I think that things should change, starting with the RLC mafia at their highest levels and by tenants (if you want to cheat us devuelvenos our paid money in your Pocket) and but, tomorrow I want to see do a double penetration with run in the mouth and looking at camera as punishment, jajajajaja.

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18 minutes ago, piedpiper1968 said:

It is too coincidental that she flipped a switch and the cam went blank. Intentional or not that seems to be the issue.

She didn't flip a switch, she blew out the candles on the nightstand. You can watch it on replay.

The problem is that the infrared lamp didn't turn on. You can see that the black and white low light mode of the camera still works whenever there's some light source, but the infrared lamp is supposed to come on when there is no other light source. Why it doesn't come on, I can only speculate. But it's been a recurrent problem in the room and it hasn't correlated with people having sex.

This is the same argument that always happens though. People always assume it's intentional sabotage by the girl in the room, even when it's clear from sound that nothing is happening.

People should definitely email RLC about it. It's ridiculous that they still haven't fixed this issue when it's been happening as long as this apartment has been open.

And I'm not defending Nicole, she obviously has a huge number of flaws as an RLC resident (though avoiding having sex on cam hasn't been one of them). I just think people should be telling RLC to fix the actual problem not focusing on the usual conspiracy theory.

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4 minutes ago, timber said:

She didn't flip a switch, she blew out the candles on the nightstand. You can watch it on replay.

The problem is that the infrared lamp didn't turn on. You can see that the black and white low light mode of the camera still works whenever there's some light source, but the infrared lamp is supposed to come on when there is no other light source. Why it doesn't come on, I can only speculate. But it's been a recurrent problem in the room and it hasn't correlated with people having sex.

This is the same argument that always happens though. People always assume it's intentional sabotage by the girl in the room, even when it's clear from sound that nothing is happening.

People should definitely email RLC about it. It's ridiculous that they still haven't fixed this issue when it's been happening as long as this apartment has been open.

And I'm not defending Nicole, she obviously has a huge number of flaws as an RLC resident (though avoiding having sex on cam hasn't been one of them). I just think people should be telling RLC to fix the actual problem not focusing on the usual conspiracy theory.

Who is blowing the candles out before the sex? Normal people ignite them before sex.

Unless she did not want him to see the pads in her panty

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il y a 5 minutes, timber a dit :

Elle n'a pas retourner un interrupteur, elle a soufflé les bougies sur la table de chevet. Vous pouvez le regarder sur rediffusion.

Le problème est que la lampe infrarouge n'a pas allumer. Vous pouvez voir que le mode de faible éclairage en noir et blanc de l'appareil fonctionne encore chaque fois qu'il ya une source de lumière, mais la lampe infrarouge est censé venir quand il n'y a pas d'autre source de lumière. Pourquoi il ne vient pas, je ne peux que spéculer. Mais il a été un problème récurrent dans la chambre et il n'a pas corrélé avec des personnes ayant des rapports sexuels.

Ceci est le même argument qui se passe toujours bien. Les gens pensent toujours qu'il est le sabotage intentionnel par la jeune fille dans la chambre, même quand il est clair de son qui ne se passe rien.

Les gens devraient certainement envoyer un courriel RLC à ce sujet. Il est ridicule qu'ils ont toujours pas résolu ce problème quand il a été passe aussi longtemps que cet appartement a été ouvert.

Et je ne défends pas Nicole, elle a évidemment un grand nombre de défauts en tant que résident RLC (mais en évitant d'avoir des relations sexuelles sur la came n'a pas été l'un d'entre eux). Je pense que les gens devraient dire RLC pour résoudre le problème réel ne se concentre pas sur la théorie de la conspiration habituelle.

The night vision only works if there is a little light !!! If the girl turns off all light sources, night vision can not work !!! It is the ace for all the night cameras of the whole world !!!

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il y a 3 minutes, cgehlen2309 a dit :

Qui souffle les bougies avant que le sexe? Les gens normaux enflamment eux avant le sexe.

À moins qu'elle ne voulait pas lui faire voir les tampons dans sa culotte

I think it's the boy, who does not want to make sex live on the internet, which is understandable !!! Nicole, we know perfectly that to blow up in front of the cameras, does not disturb it absolutely not !!!

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