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On 4/11/2017 at 5:11 PM, golfer06 said:

i think pregnant women are sexy. when my wife was pregnant she was in the mood all of the time. wish that had lasted.

The guys at work tell me that any sex drive is non existant for a while after the child is born. The best they could hope for was an occassional hand job, and a lot of beating it in the shower. That so8nds like a sad state of affairs, but of course the new baby is the whole center of attention, as it should be. the women are just too damned tired to care

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2 hours ago, ashleyxyz said:

The guys at work tell me that any sex drive is non existant for a while after the child is born. The best they could hope for was an occassional hand job, and a lot of beating it in the shower. That so8nds like a sad state of affairs, but of course the new baby is the whole center of attention, as it should be. the women are just too damned tired to care

it's gr8 while they're pregnant. then post partem depression can set in & it becomes horrible. in my wife's case it also brought out the bi-polar. ppd doesn't last that long but bi-polar is totally unpredictable. highs & lows from 1 second to another. i equate it to doing meth, getting high & then crashing.

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47 minutes ago, golfer06 said:

it's gr8 while they're pregnant. then post partem depression can set in & it becomes horrible. in my wife's case it also brought out the bi-polar. ppd doesn't last that long but bi-polar is totally unpredictable. highs & lows from 1 second to another. i equate it to doing meth, getting high & then crashing.

Wow, that sounds rough. She's lucky to have you by her side. Does she take any kind of drugs to help her out?  Sorry if i'm asking innappropriate qusetions, thats my nature, just ignore my question if i'm being a nosy bitch

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