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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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19 minutes ago, BBsq69 said:

All quiet as Belle prepares for bed and shuts her door.

I have no problem with this if they stay in tomorrow and let's face they'll not be up (well Belle won't until late afternoon) and give us a proper piece of entertainment.

Do any of us believe that's likely to happen?

Look I complain a lot about the massage parties (well not the naked ones so much) and body painting but we have to get something for a money and at the moment we are getting nothing. Exercising without panties was a good idea to try and win people back but then to do it in poor light where no-one could see Belle or much pussy from either girl sort of defeated the object. I am Belle's biggest supporter and I try to look for the positive with her. She was a legend for her visit but now ... well you have seen the posts.

I want her to stay more than anything in RLC not just because I find her incredibly sexy but because she is who I paid to see and if I'm not seeing her I just feel cheated. if she goes then I've paid my money for no reason.

Nothing will happen and she will continue like she is doing until her time is up. 

Time for her to go if she doesnt want to be here. 

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Angel listening to an English language channel. Well we know he English is decent.

Here is a wild idea but blame insomnia and light-headedness: what if when Belle inherits the big room from Angel she has promised RLC plenty of bed action? Of course I know it doesn't work that way 

She has a fair bit to make up for. 

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9 minutes ago, Noldus said:

Good morning BB / B2
Everything is as normal here, do I see... Only 3 pages last night - so I think B1 is about to take over the lead again

I'll say goodnight Noldus and any one who's still up or got up early and of course to My Belle:heart:

Angel walks around naked in sunlight - spoke too soon as she now has panties on. When Belle had that room I was hoping she would get the sunlight but either she got up too late or went sunbathing.

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9 hours ago, DES7469 said:

I know but this was to much. They didn't want to do it. I'd rather they just go out than do something they aren't into. As you can see they are now happy because they are going to do what they wanted to do in the first place. For me it honestly wasn't worth the time. If they can't make it look like they are having fun then don't bother.

Well DES you are not the only one feeling that way, i just watched it on the replay and it felt fake as fuck ( and you know, i have been arguing with Mr.Box about the whole "fake" - "real" situation) but this just felt like they did something so rlc couldn't say they didn't do anything for the cams ( it felt as fake as the show that jessica did for her personal webcam) ...  Belle was yawning the entire time + she was always checking her phone, then at 1 am all of a sudden they started being full of energy running around to get ready as fast as they could to go out. It was just a joke ...

Personnaly i have nothing against what Mr.Box call "teasing show" but at least with those show the girls seem to have a little fun, what i saw last night was not it was just ... sad ...

And if i'm not mistaken, i think it has been a full week night out for belle ...

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