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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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It seems the girls are back to following their normal day. 

There do seem to be once more some confused people on this board again tonight telling people that these girls are not real etc. I can't imagine any of us who post here don't know that but it seems some people are unable no to take thinks too literally.

But the big issue is not us but the rip off that continues to go on here.

Obviously I watch Belle. I am under no illusions who she is and neither are those who seem to favour and defend girls similar to me, but whatever way you rap it up. Over the last 56 hours we have had the following:

Belle naked for 6 hours but still managing to avoid any good shots with lights not on etc. Some time spent out

Most of the day getting ready for a party without actually doing any work on the party they were hosting.

THE PARTY: 1 hour sitting around a table. 30 mins entertaining maybe hoping the Tequila would provide inspiration. 1 hour watching TV. Zero pussy

Pretty much the most pathetic party I have ever seen because at least during the frosty Halloween one at B1, B1 had made a great effort to create an atmosphere and Belle and Becca got raunchy for a few seconds.  

Then some horsing around which lasted 10-15 minutes before bed.

Belle gets up at 12:30. 90 minutes later she is out. She comes back after 6 hours and spends another 2 and half in the flat on the couch or in bed or getting ready to go out. It is nearly 10 hours out again.

So the last 30 hours 10 hours sleeping 4 hours in with no naked pussy outside the bathroom, And 16 hours out

So 4 out of 30 active hours, that's 13% and don't forget when they come back it's going to be more sleeping.

I confidently predict that whenever they come in Belle won't be up before 6 so it is then

4 hours out of 40 and I am afraid this is typical and our reward 30 minutes of partying, a 10 minute roll on the bed, a 5 minute joint shower.

45 minutes of entertainment, all of it but 5 with panties on.

Pretty much every single couple beats the every day and they don't have to be told what to do.

Barcelona: Girls' lives 4/7 not 24/7 as advertised and you will miss all of the best bits of those lives.



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9 minutes ago, BBsq69 said:

Parece que las chicas están de vuelta a su siguiente día normal. 

Sí parece ser una vez más algunas personas confundidas sobre este tablero de nuevo esta noche diciendo a la gente que estas chicas no son reales, etc. No puedo imaginar a cualquiera de nosotros que puesto aquí no saben que pero parece que algunas personas son incapaces de ningún piensa tomar demasiado literalmente.

Pero el gran problema no es nosotros, pero la estafa que sigue para llegar a eso.

Obviamente Miro Belle. No me hago ilusiones que ella es y tampoco lo son aquellos que parecen favorecer y defender niñas similares a mí, pero la forma que el rap para arriba. Durante las últimas 56 horas hemos tenido la siguiente:

Belle desnuda durante 6 horas, pero que la gestión para evitar cualquier buenos golpes con luces no sobre etc. Algunas tiempo pasado fuera

La mayor parte del día preparándose para una fiesta sin tener que hacer ningún trabajo en el partido fueron celebrar.

EL PARTIDO: 1 hora sentados alrededor de una mesa. 30 minutos entretenido tal vez esperando que el tequila proporcionaría inspiración. 1 hora viendo la televisión. cero coño

Más o menos la parte más patética que he visto, porque al menos durante la helada de Halloween en B1, B1 había hecho un gran esfuerzo para crear una atmósfera y Belle y Becca tiene obsceno durante unos segundos.  

A continuación, algunos horsing alrededor de la cual duró 10-15 minutos antes de acostarse.

Belle se levanta a las 12:30. 90 minutos más tarde, ella está fuera. Ella regresa después de 6 horas y pasa otro 2 y la otra mitad en el piso en el sofá o en la cama o prepararse para salir. Es casi 10 horas de nuevo.

Así las últimas 30 horas 10 horas para dormir 4 horas en el coño sin desnuda fuera del baño, y 16 horas fuera

Así que 4 de cada 30 horas de actividad, que es del 13% y no se olvide cuando regresan que va a ser más dormir.

Me predecir con seguridad que cada vez que vienen en Belle no será hasta antes del 6 por lo que es entonces

4 horas de los 40 y me temo que esto es típico y nuestra recompensa de 30 minutos de fiesta, un rollo 10 minutos sobre la cama, una ducha conjunta 5 minuto.

45 minutos de entretenimiento, todos de la misma, pero con las bragas en 5.

Prácticamente cada pareja es mejor que la todos los días y que no tiene que ser dicho qué hacer.

Barcelona: vida de las niñas 4/7 24/7 no como se anuncia y se perderá todas las mejores partes de esas vidas.





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08:33 Angel looks for R&B. So do we all.

Now I'm not suggesting anything but I don't think they spend all night with men at parties and play Scrabble which means of course that their Real Lives are very much off cam and 1000% more interesting then their fake lives on cam and right now they are hardly throwing us a fricking bone. Yes 30-60 minute shows that they give are better than the nothing that was happening a week ago but it is not remotely good enough.

Quit the crap. Bring the guys back and party with them here as you would in their rooms. Let us in to your real world and fuck on camera. If you are not going show and you are not going to bate and you are not even going to be here then what is the point other than RLC customers being fucked with?

I have got a better plan for them

Sleep from 16:00 to 24:00

Get ready 00:00 to 01:30

Go out from 01:30 to 10:00 Do whatever they want, take whatever they want, fuck whatever they want

So we are left with 10:00 - 16:00 Come back and if not with boys drunkenly entertain us nakedly until you collapse.

People can watch this on Replay.

The girls get their fun, the boys they are with get their fun and most importantly we get our fun.

At the moment only 2 of those things are happening. This would give us the third and we would all be happy.

If you think that is extreme and unfair to treat the girls like that, it is not exactly fair how they are treating us the paying customer right now.


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2 minutes ago, vortios said:

The next time that RLC wants to pass me a receipt, I will tell them "send the ones to those who are spectators with whom the girls have parties"

That is what I said about Alex when Belle was out with him and Irma 5 nights in a row ... in the good old days when the girls actually did come back home. 

Why are we paying for others' entertainment and getting fuck all ourselves.

This actually now has nothing to do with expectations being raised by party girls and everything to do with a total failure on RLC's fault to reign in these girls and write proper contracts.

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Current records:

Rosie: 11:00 (with Belle)

Belle: 13:45

Angel: 15:00

Will Rosie and Belle beat their records today?

Nobody minds this if we get compensation and lots of it but I haven't even had a big sexy dance for 3 weeks. If Belle's period supposedly got in the way of her partying in the flat, it sure as hell doesn't stop her outside.

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1 minute ago, nack said:

LOL..calm down BBsq69..RLC won't do shyte and we all know that.Quit Paying like i did ! and enjoy.


I presume you think I am in a rage because of the writing but is more like controlled disgust at the way we are being treated as customers.

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4 minutes ago, BBsq69 said:

Registros actuales:

Rosie: 11:00 (con Belle)

Belle: 13:45

Ángel: 15:00

Rosie y van Belle batir sus registros de hoy?

A nadie esto si obtener una indemnización y mucha de ella, pero ni siquiera han tenido un gran baile sexy durante 3 semanas. Si el período de Belle supuestamente puso en el camino de su fiesta en el piso, que seguro que no se detiene su exterior.

Rose is already close to beating her personal record

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