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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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il y a 4 minutes, DES7469 a dit :

Je suis neutre dans Lola. Son dernier séjour elle a laissé certaines choses se passent, elle aurait dû arrêter et elle a arrêté certaines choses qu'elle aurait dû se laisser aller.

Then I am neutral also because I think like you. .. Thank you for your answer

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So Madam Lola has returned and Stella is running after her like a puppy dog already, does that put Kylie out of favour now I wonder and what a combination to hit the town Lola, Gina and Stella with Kylie following on and Belle & Rosie in the wings up the road. What puzzles me though is why she came to b-1 and not returned to b-2 where Belle is waiting. Still either way half of last year's orgy team is back just waiting for the catalyst perhaps so in hindsight maybe that's why she went to b-1 since b-2 is too susceptible to neighbour complaints :cool:

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2 minutes ago, happyman88 said:

Así Señora Lola ha vuelto y Stella está corriendo detrás de ella como un cachorro de perro ya, hace que puso a Kylie en desgracia ahora me pregunto y lo que una combinación de golpear la ciudad Lola, Gina y Stella con Kylie siguiente en y Belle & Rosie en el alas de la carretera. Lo que me intriga es por qué a pesar de que llegó a b-1 y no volvió a b-2, donde Belle está a la espera. Aún así, ya sea a mitad de camino del equipo orgía del año pasado está de vuelta a la espera de que el catalizador tal manera, en retrospectiva, tal vez por eso se fue a B-1 B-2, ya es demasiado susceptible a quejas de vecinos :cool:

It could be one of the reasons not to go back to B2 ... with Lola, the parties started very late, and the music was never low.

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6 minutes ago, Snakeater said:

With B2 UM and no new name, I wonder  what kind of trrouble Belle got into in the apt. this time? To early to be drunk and setting fires, maybe she overflowed her new bathtub?:biggrin::biggrin:

It can't be fumigation of her panties either because her hygiene has improved 100%...:biggrin:

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3 minutes ago, Snakeater said:

With B2 UM and no new name, I wonder  what kind of trrouble Belle got into in the apt. this time? To early to be drunk and setting fires, maybe she overflowed her new bathtub?:biggrin::biggrin:

The longer the UM, the greater the likelihood of a new girl

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3 minutes ago, Snakeater said:

Con B2 UM y ningún nuevo nombre, me pregunto qué tipo de trrouble Belle se metió en el apt. ¿esta vez? Pronto para ser bebido y provocando incendios, tal vez ella se desbordó de su nueva bañera?:biggrin::biggrin:

Lola is already in the house, when they have put their name ... so it is not surprising that we surely see the new girl in B2, before we know her name.

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