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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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2 minutes ago, Snakeater said:

OK Naga quit trying to be innocent by blaming Ben. We know it was you who slipped out of Rose's closet to order the flowers and candy then waited downstairs for her.:cool:

Hey there's no fooling you Snake...you've certainly brushed those cobwebs off...::)

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il y a 42 minutes, nagachilli2 a dit :

Une belle Rose pour une belle Rose ... et quelques chocolats ... Elle a un admirateur ....:heart:

The admirer who rings at the door at night, may be. .:huh:..:angry:..:biggrin:

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Just now, martyen said:

The admirer who rings at the door at night, may be. .:huh:..:angry:..:biggrin:

Don't think so Martyen...they didn't want to know that person. They said whoever they were after didn't live there anymore...

She was friendly with someone on the phone in the LR last night, kisses and stuff...I reckon it's him...or her...:biggrin:

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il y a 9 minutes, nagachilli2 a dit :

Ne pensez pas Martyen ... ils ne voulaient pas connaître cette personne. Ils ont dit qu'ils étaient après ceux qui n'y vivaient pas plus ...

Elle était amicale avec quelqu'un au téléphone dans la LR hier soir, baisers et d'autres choses ... Je pense qu'il est lui ... ou elle ...:biggrin:

Then is it the friend of the admirer who rings at the door at night? I'm joking. ..:biggrin:..:biggrin:.. I'm just jealous .:dodgy:

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