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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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1 minute ago, thegame20 said:

Des, I don't remember anyone blaming rose for her being home along. Rose doesn't have to ask hr to come out but if she did it will help the girls bond better

Nicole doesn't seem like the "bonding kind", last "party" they had in B1 she stayed on her phone the whole night, didn't talk to anybody and rush to her bf after that. But what do i know right ^^'

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5 minutes ago, wathou said:

Nicole doesn't seem like the "bonding kind", last "party" they had in B1 she stayed on her phone the whole night, didn't talk to anybody and rush to her bf after that. But what do i know right ^^'

You're right Wath, her past history suggests dressing up and putting wings on isn't her thing. I have a feeling she's previously planned to meet her bf and Rosie was always going to stay at B1 that night anyway...:biggrin:

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Just now, nagachilli2 said:

You're right Wath, her past history suggests dressing up and putting wings on isn't her thing. I have a feeling she's previously planned to meet her bf and Rosie was always going to stay at B1 that night anyway...:biggrin:

sure but look angelina wasn't really into "partying" but at least she talked to the other girls and "bonded", i think nicole is just not intersted in making any new "friends".

But to be honest i haven't watch much of her, and the only time i'm on rlc she is either on her bed or outside ^^'

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1 minute ago, wathou said:

Nicole doesn't seem like the "bonding kind", last "party" they had in B1 she stayed on her phone the whole night, didn't talk to anybody and rush to her bf after that. But what do i know right ^^'

no one is saying you dont know nothing wathou. We have all seen her go up to rose and start a chat on several occasions. They have also lied on the same bed chatting for a good while so she is capable of bonding with the right girl. B1 party was more about her mind being on the dick she was going to be getting than being part of the boring tease show for the cameras the girls were putting on

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1 minute ago, wathou said:

sure but look angelina wasn't really into "partying" but at least she talked to the other girls and "bonded", i think nicole is just not intersted in making any new "friends".

But to be honest i haven't watch much of her, and the only time i'm on rlc she is either on her bed or outside ^^'

Hey guys, I think Nicole and Rosie are getting along just fine...They've spent some time in the apt together and there are no problems. Why, as usual, are guys having a go at Nicole again...She's been great so far and has done nothing wrong...sad face emoticon

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5 minutes ago, wathou said:

sure but look angelina wasn't really into "partying" but at least she talked to the other girls and "bonded", i think nicole is just not intersted in making any new "friends".

But to be honest i haven't watch much of her, and the only time i'm on rlc she is either on her bed or outside ^^'

Nicole and Rosie have spent some time in each others company in the house Wath, and been relaxed and got on well. I think the issue here is the presence of MissX, definitely not Rosie or Nicole...:confused:

I don't know what the problem is but I've never actually seen them speak to each other...Of course, I might have just missed it...

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1 minute ago, nagachilli2 said:

Hey guys, I think Nicole and Rosie are getting along just fine...They've spent some time in the apt together and there are no problems. Why, as usual, are guys having a go at Nicole again...She's been great so far and has done nothing wrong...sad face emoticon

i'm not having a go at nicole, i just don't like when poeple talk about nicole like she was a poor thing because the girls don't invite her or don't want to bond with her. I think she is fine with her bf, and doesn't really care that much about bonding with the other girls. ( which is not a bad thing ! that's just who she is) ...

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1 minute ago, wathou said:

i'm not having a go at nicole, i just don't like when poeple talk about nicole like she was a poor thing because the girls don't invite her or don't want to bond with her. I think she is fine with her bf, and doesn't really care that much about bonding with the other girls. ( which is not a bad thing ! that's just who she is) ...

and i'll add once more i don't dislike nicole per say, i just whish rlc wouldn't have cast her back into the girls on vacation appartment, they could have given her a couple appartment or even a  roomates appartment ( with a real friend) and it would have been better (imo)

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