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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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4 minutes ago, dagobert said:

Totally agree but these girls go out alike to earn their money and get tired home in the morning and sleep all day long Even though they got an apartment like this

New girls.  I count 8 apartments that I would cut loose

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2 minutes ago, nagachilli2 said:

I know there's quite a few moan on about B1 and B2 being empty or boring guys, and I'm not including myself here,  but there is big plus in both apts...All the girls get on well with each other...Even My Girl, when she's there...There doesn't appear to any bad vibes in either place....:biggrin:

but.... the best moment in B1 or B2 ever, was the great catfight LOL 

Well, I'm not complaining about that, nor about the NV not being perfect, nor not getting the perfect angles, just complaining about the intentional hiding,staged shows and the lack of anything genuine. On that matter Helen outdo them al, you wil hate me for this, but even "your" Nicole!

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7 minutes ago, euromike69 said:

Ikke for mye ,,,, jeg vet det kan gjøres ,,, alle de pengene de raking i ,, de kan mer enn råd til det.

Og noen av disse damene som Polya trenger å gå for ,,, jeg tror ikke de har noen interesse i å være her lenger ,,, De minner meg om meg og min jobb ,,, da jeg først begynte å jobbe der jeg var alltid på tid og alltid den vanskeligste arbeideren ,,, men etter alle disse årene jeg er sliten og lei og ikke gi en jævla lenger ,,, jeg ser etter en unnskyldning for å ikke gå på jobb hver dag ... disse jentene gjør det samme ,,, jeg tror at de er utbrent og er tom for ideer ,, de ganske mye står fast i en løkke ,,,, Hvis jeg skal se en annen massasje la det være av en gjeng med damer som jeg aldri har sett før ,,,,, akkurat nå B # 1 behov 3 jenter som Helen ,,, fordi hun er i de tidlige stadiene av å være her, slik at hun vil jobbe hardt for å få hennes fans og uansett bonuser de får hver måned, ,,,, Polya og vennene hennes får gamle og lat nå ,,,, de er slitne og har kjørt ut av ideer ,, pluss alt annet de har å gå på utsiden må være veldig viktig, fordi det er der de er mest av tid og når t hei kommer hjem Alt jeg ser er folk Snorking.

Dette pleide å være Apt som gjorde folk melde seg som gale ,, nå er det Apt som gjør at folk kansellere sine ubåter og la ,,,,, jeg liker ikke å klage om noe ,,,, men hvor mange uker nå har det vært siden selv en stor ting utenfor Helen skjedde? Hvis du ser på sidene kommer tilbake ,,, alt du ser er Noldus si at denne jenta til venstre eller denne jenta kom akkurat tilbake ,,,,, bare å si den samme jenta til venstre igjen 10 minutter senere. Jeg skal ringe tull nå på denne.

Hvis en virksomhet eller en leilighet er sviktende den riktige tingen å gjøre er å slå den av og renovere eller komme tilbake med en helt ny og tar tilbakemeldingene dine lang tid kunder eller de nye og fikse enkelte ting ,,, Ikke hver jente kan være et Irma, Ilona, Rosie eller Jasmin ,,,, men jeg er ganske sikker på at de kan finne noen i Barcelona eller Russland ,,,, oG fOR GUDS skyld RLC ,,,, hvor er de engelsktalende jentene for dine engelsktalende kunder som jeg har spurt etter alle disse årene nå ,,,,,, Kan jeg få en leilighet hvor jeg ikke trenger å jævla gjette hva de sier eller være avhengig av mennesker for å oversette det for meg.


yes euromike

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3 minutes ago, ed2 said:

but.... the best moment in B1 or B2 ever, was the great catfight LOL 

Well, I'm not complaining about that, nor about the NV not being perfect, nor not getting the perfect angles, just complaining about the intentional hiding,staged shows and the lack of anything genuine. On that matter Helen outdo them al, you wil hate me for this, but even "your" Nicole!

Yes, you're right...Helen is outdoing Nicole right now. Helen is great but she's playing to the cams, which I'm not complaining about...Nicole is still getting over an illness, which at one stage was pretty worrying...She may or may not reach the heights she reached before her illness...But it's not a contest as to who is the most entertaining...

I have to disagree with you about the other contest you're on about, the catfight....That, and Nicole's seizures, have been the most uncomfortable pockets of REAL LIFE I've witnessed on here....Her fight with Estelle certainly didn't entertain me...the best moment in B1 and B2!!!...If that's what floats your boat Ed, well I think that's pretty sad...

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2 minutes ago, dagobert said:


RLC's Motto is quantity not quality,,,if I owned a car company and certain models of cars weren't selling then it would make good business sense to discontinue the models that are not selling and focus on the ones that are selling and making the costumers happy,,, I would rather have 10 excellent Apts than 20 shitty ones IMO. There is only so many times I can watch Lev on that couch fucking with his Ipad or Maya home alone with the cats or dogs or Adriana in the Kitchen doing God knows what or even the others ones who I can't even remember their names because they are that boring and I haven't even looked at them in months or years.:dodgy::dodgy:

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13 minutes ago, euromike69 said:

Not too much,,,,I know it can be done,,,all that money they raking in,,they can more than afford it.

And some of these ladies like Polya need to go too,,, I don't think they have any interest in being here anymore,,,They remind me of me and my  job,,,when I first started working there I was always on time and always the hardest worker,,,but after all these years I'm tired and bored and don't give a damn anymore,,, I look for an excuse to not go to work everyday... These girls are doing the same thing,,, I think that they are burnt out and are out of ideas,, they pretty much are stuck in a loop,,,,If I'm gonna see another massage let it be by a bunch of ladies that I've never seen before,,,,,right now B#1 needs 3 girls like Helen,,,because she is in the early stages of being here so she will work hard to gain her fans and whatever Bonuses they get every month,,,,, Polya and her friends are getting old and lazy now,,,,they are tired and have run out of ideas,,plus whatever else they have going on outside must be really important, because that's where they are most of the time and when they get home All I see are people snoring.

This used to be the Apt that made people sign up like crazy,,now it's the Apt that makes people cancel their Subs and leave,,,,, I don't like to complain about anything,,,,but how many weeks now has it been since even one major thing outside of Helen happened?   If you look at the pages going back,,,all you see is Noldus saying that this girl left or this girl just got back,,,,,only to say the same girl left again 10 minutes later. I'm gonna call bullshit now on this one.

If a Business or an Apartment  is failing the right thing to do is shut it down and renovate or come back with a completely new one and take the feedback of your long time costumers or even the new ones and fix certain things,,, Not every girl can be an Irma,Ilona, Rosie or Jasmin,,,,but I'm pretty certain that they can find some in Barcelona or Russia,,,,AND FOR GOD SAKES RLC,,,,where are the english speaking girls for your English speaking costumers that I have been asking for all these years now,,,,,,Can I have an Apartment where I don't have to fucking guess what they are saying or have to depend on people to translate it for me.


I agree to most of this, getting that palace is just a dream though (big rooms usually means bad angles), but this other thing has been my opinion all along, RLC must start to bring in fresh new girls, and stop recycling old girls who has lost most of the motivation, spirit and exitement they once had!

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1 minute ago, ed2 said:

I agree to most of this, getting that palace is just a dream though (big rooms usually means bad angles), but this other thing has been my opinion all along, RLC must start to bring in fresh new girls, and stop recycling old girls who has lost most of the motivation, spirit and exitement they once had!

I'm pretty certain that they have monitors while setting up those cameras,,,,so the person in charge of setting those cameras up has the responsibility of always making sure they have the right angle with the best visibility,No blind spots and no obstacles in front of the camera,,, I have cameras set up all over my house that are way better quality than some of these cameras,,and I set them up at the best angles possible,,,,, while setting up the cameras the person doing the job should always think about how we as voyeurs gonna see stuff through them,,,, I shouldn't be going blind trying to make stuff out at night or wondering what is happening because a window swung open and blocked the camera or someone accidentally put a towel over the camera.,,,,, In the K&K bathroom the Angels are always putting stuff in front of the camera,,but you can't really blame them because they put the camera right above a shelf that was meant to place bathroom stuff on, They have been doing this for years now,,,they should have this camera stuff,Tenants and Good Apts figured out by now. If they can't figure it out,,,let me manage the Apts for them.


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9 minutes ago, nagachilli2 said:

I have to disagree with you about the other contest you're on about, the catfight....That, and Nicole's seizures, have been the most uncomfortable pockets of REAL LIFE I've witnessed on here....Her fight with Estelle certainly didn't entertain me...the best moment in B1 and B2!!!...If that's what floats your boat Ed, well I think that's pretty sad...

A joke bro... the seizures was horrific, but I must admit thecatfight was epic, not what floats my boat, but a glimp of real life, no one got seriously hurt, then it would have been different...

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