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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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7 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

Notice To All Members Effective August 01,2017.

All Topics will be Unlocked and All Members will be Free To Discuss Whatever the Topic is Based On.

The Picture and Video Threads will Remain the Same but by Opening Up All the Topics there will be No More Need for the General Chat Thread Topics.

Opening Up the Topics should bring more Participation into the Forums than what we have been seeing by the General Chat Topics over the Last Few Months.

:cry: what topics are opening up? the old once? no rules ??

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Just now, HarleyFatboy said:

Can you be a little more specific?

It will be just like a Couple of Years ago when the Topics were Open below the Pinned Section. This will eliminate any further need for the General Chat Topics and should bring more Participation into the Forums.

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Just now, StnCld316 said:

It will be just like a Couple of Years ago when the Topics were Open below the Pinned Section. This will eliminate any further need for the General Chat Topics and should bring more Participation into the Forums.

I sure hope so!  Thanks SC...

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Just now, HarleyFatboy said:

I sure hope so!  Thanks SC...

Participation has been something that has been lacking for a long time. The General Chat Topics obviously didn't work out as what was anticipated.  Opening Up All the Topics again should bring back the much need Participation it needs.  A Couple Years ago this Forum used to busy Morning, Noon and Night.

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1 hour ago, Thestarider said:
1 hour ago, ed2 said:

Also a difference between us, I don't think this is a platform to comunicate with the tenants, even if they check the forum once in a while I very much doubt they follow that closely. The effect you describe, I can't see it is very strong, because the great majority of the posts on here are positive and encuraging.

I also think, if they have made a choice to live their lifes on a voyeur site, I don't think they would nor should care or bother what some people on the internet think.

Curiosity killed the cat ed, you can not tell me that you would not want to seek approval, and want to know what people think and are saying about you, it is only human nature as we all seek approval, and need our ego's stroked from time to time., I am sure the participants know of CC and read the posts.

I wasn't saying they don't read, I was questioning the effect sneakeater described. The effect you described, if we say anything negative they will not do anything for us on cam, firstly because the great majority of the posts on here are very positive and encuraging, secondly because they have made a choice to live their lifes publicly on a voyeur site, and if they chose to go to a closed forum to read about it, they must tackle the critiqe.

If the tenants are folowing the forums very closely, and care too much what is written about them, it kind of brakes with the whole concept of a voyeur site. I know it would be impossible to prevent, but it is not very wise by them to read.

Anyway, it is not an argument to sensure all slightly negative opinions, and only post positive, even though I fully see the need for moderation, and removing of unserious content.

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3 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

Participation has been something that has been lacking for a long time. The General Chat Topics obviously didn't work out as what was anticipated.  Opening Up All the Topics again should bring back the much need Participation it needs.  A Couple Years ago this Forum used to busy Morning, Noon and Night.

There are reasons why other solutions have been found ...... :cry:
Feels that this is going the wrong way and will not bring back those who are tired of all BS here.

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5 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

Participation has been something that has been lacking for a long time. The General Chat Topics obviously didn't work out as what was anticipated.  Opening Up All the Topics again should bring back the much need Participation it needs.  A Couple Years ago this Forum used to busy Morning, Noon and Night.

I think it will help as well SC, but the only thing that is really going to help is some excitement from the participants of RLC.  At any rate, it will be interesting to see what happens from opening up all the topics again!

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43 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

If that is the best you can come up with, the Barca apartments are in serious trouble!!

HFB not everyone needs raging orgies whether between male and female or between 2 or more females. Or in yor case 2 or more men. Most people just like to see what is going on and maybe catch an intimate moment time and again. If you want your orgies go to VH and watch them there.

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21 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

Yeah........a brain :)

This is the worst forum I ever visited, disrespecting all with a different view on something, no one seem to be able to behave like civiliced humans!

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3 minutes ago, Noldus said:

There are reasons why other solutions have been found ...... :cry:
Feels that this is going the wrong way and will not bring back those who are tired of all BS here.

To quote a word from a good friend, the "Puritan" ways are not working on this forum.  They are not working for the tenants and they are certainly not working for the audience.  A change is needed to get this forum back on track and make it great again, but the excitement level in the apartments (B1 & B2 mainly) has got to pick up or no matter what the mods decide to do..........it won't help!

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1 minute ago, Noldus said:

There are reasons why other solutions have been found ...... :cry:
Feels that this is going the wrong way and will not bring back those who are tired of all BS here.

Back a Couple Years ago there used to be 2,000 or more Online at any given time. Now we're lucky if it reaches 500. Only way to find out is to Open it back up like the old days.

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