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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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4 hours ago, nagachilli2 said:

Give her a kiss from me Cute...:heart:


3 hours ago, nagachilli2 said:

This is a really sad day for me guys...the saddest day in here since My Girl Nicole left...Why do I get so attached to these girls, it's fucking stupid.....:cry:...I know you won't see this Angel, not even sure if you read CC, but sadly you've already gone...:sad:

Angel, you are an absolute gem of a girl. I thought you might be a bit special the 1st day you arrived, and you proved me right...

I'll miss everything about you...I could make a long list of stuff but won't. because there aren't enough hours in the day...I will just say that you have an unusual beauty that's hard to put my finger on, almost mesmerizing, and your boyfriend is one lucky guy and needs to keep a hold of you and look after you. You obviously think a lot of him, and I love the loyalty you've shown towards him over the last 3 months. I never doubted you...and the other night you proved it...:biggrin:

You are totally in control of your life. You look after yourself, work hard, even when on 'holiday', always look fantastic and are as sexy as fuck, your very friendly, bubbly, and basically the full package. I loved watching you, as you phrased it in the truth game the other night, 'have sex with yourself'...I felt that you were sharing a little bit of intimacy with us and I thank you for that...If you faced Cam7, somehow, it wouldn't have felt as intimate and real...It would've been epic though...:biggrin:

I'm gonna really miss seeing your beautiful naked lean body every day. without going into detail here, because you are worth more than that...But I will really miss that gorgeous butt wiggle you always treated us to when dancing...

I really hope I will see you again. I loved every bit of your 90 days here. I wish you every happiness in the future Angel. I know you are great at what you do professionally, and I love it, so you'll always be there for me...Have a safe trip, be happy, as I know you will be because you are genuinely a happy girl, and, if you don't come back, look after yourself and have a wonderful life..:heart:

Thank you for just being yourself here, you are a very beautiful, sexy, genuinely friendly classy lady and I love to bits...I will never forget you...

Take care Angelina

Lots of Love

Naga.xxx :heart::heart::heart:

I'll pass on your message to her, don't worry Naga.

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