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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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Hello again, Because I have the feeling that although they have not changed, in the house, there are really only three girls?
K and Gina, have disappeared from the house. Sleeping late today, they have left for their private business (which as I denounced long ago, that they had to do once they leave RLC, not when they are inside and are being paid with money from RLC customers)
So things have not changed ... then I make the following reflection, if they are inside the project What the hell they do that are not in the house with their partners?
And they have de facto left the project, because they are no longer where they want them to go, but leave their space, for girls who are in the project?

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9 minutes ago, BBsq69 said:

So is it another boring TV night? Rosie might try to keep it lively but I suppose I have to wait until My Belle:heart: takes a shower because I've seen people watch TV before and it tends not to be very interesting but they could prove me wrong. 

Everything seems aimed at that. They all blame it on their "new" incorporation, and the time they need to adapt to the program ... as if they did not know it very well.

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1 hour ago, euromike69 said:

Here's a better Idea Sergio,,why not be more positive in your posts or at least have a mixture of constructive criticism along with some positive stuff, instead of always fighting so hard to be negative all the time,,,,then you won't have to worry about the Global Moderators or the Girls getting angry and your posts deleted. It's like we have 2 different set of people in this forum,,the ones who try to be as positive as possible and the ones who fight tooth and nail to have the right to say as much negative things as they can possibly think of saying.

They literally say it in their comments,,,"Why should it all be good here on CC",,, "we should have the bad too",,Really so even when there is nothing bad happening you will make stuff up just so you can have the negative to go with it wow!!

It's been months now that the Mods have explained to you the rules and you still don't understand? Why do you want so badly to be negative and go after these females?

I'm about three years old I'm subscribed to RLC, and like everybody, I thought I really did see real things, I was also fond of Barcelona apartments, but with the passage of time the cast became increasingly fake, the girls They are beautiful and show more and more, but I can not really appreciate it over time, it's clearly my problem, to tell the truth I do not seem to have treated the girls badly, it makes me laugh at people who really take Everything they see, and it makes me a little angry about the closure that some members are from to others, I live in italy and here everyone can say what they think, I really do not understand the wickedness there is who thinks Unlike the mass, I am a pacifist

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2 minutes ago, DES7469 said:

Looks to me like Rose is becoming quite the instigator. :heart:

Belle seems friends with all of Jasmin's friends (Caro, Rosie) but there is no spark between them. It will be interesting to see the dynamic. Ultimately Rose is a party girl whereas Jasmin we are yet to see in that role.

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25 minutes ago, vortios said:

Hello again, Because I have the feeling that although they have not changed, in the house, there are really only three girls?
K and Gina, have disappeared from the house. Sleeping late today, they have left for their private business (which as I denounced long ago, that they had to do once they leave RLC, not when they are inside and are being paid with money from RLC customers)
So things have not changed ... then I make the following reflection, if they are inside the project What the hell they do that are not in the house with their partners?
And they have de facto left the project, because they are no longer where they want them to go, but leave their space, for girls who are in the project?


Do you ever leave your house because you have things you want to go do ?

DO you have to go somewhere for a reason ?

Do you ever want to go see a movie ?

Get off it with all this same posting every single day !!!

We are all sick and tired of you posting the same thing over and over.

You have made your point now move on to a new subject please

No more whining and crying.

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