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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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4 minutes ago, BBsq69 said:

La cosa es que incluso con mi Belle :heart:buscando la forma en que lo hace en el momento todavía tengo la sensación de que podría salir de nuevo esta noche. Ella nunca aprende.

With all the affection and respect I have, I think Belle's role is not the same as the previous time, as it has not been for all the girls who have been in the houses once before. RLC has changed its approach for girls,

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3 minutes ago, Noldus said:

  but imagine a Icelandic apartment .. The girls are so hot, blond and sexy ..

But the probably put some Ukrainians in it, who also very hot. Maybe a couples apartment for Iceland. In the UK a student house, so many of them have sugar daddies already at least according to BBC3 documentaries.

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1 minute ago, vortios said:

With all the affection and respect I have, I think Belle's role is not the same as the previous time, as it has not been for all the girls who have been in the houses once before. RLC has changed its approach for girls,

We'll have to see who the next arrivals are, but it seems she was holding off until Rosie arrived and taht ws a very nice shower last night - not like Stella and Irma but then they have more to play with.

That noise is getting irritating.

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56 minutes ago, BBsq69 said:

Well you are making big assumptions here. Neither you nor I know what happened between leaving the club and getting to B2. Belle when she has been this late has arrived more than 2 hours earlier so you all have no idea what happened between 5 and 7.30. Neither do I but you don't know they didn't have sex. One more thing just before going to sleep Belle who we know has a chemist shop went to see Rosie without knocking. She asked Rosie for a particular pill. Belle had one and then Rosie decided she better have one too. 

Separate to this where the balcony visits, maybe to take a hit of coke (I heard paper noises). Not immediately after but I did notice Belle in the hallway wiping across the base of nose just like she did after 2 toilet visits on Sushi Night. Then the even more mysterious invisibility of Belle and the 2 men on the front balcony and one of the blokes adjusting his trousers after - well that would have to have been very quick. I am not sure but I think I saw Angel make some gesture in the LR afterwards.

All this is CONJECTURE but if we don't discuss things that have happened, it is going to be a dull board.

Now according to some posts these are a local celebrity and his promoter - I am not sure RLC will be pleased if this hits the papers. 

One amusing thing although not good for us was that one of the men made sure the shutters were down in every room - well in the LR and then Belle saw Rosie and later did her her own room. The excuse was he's a vampire and doesn't like that light. Maybe they thought privacy and hadn't clocked the cameras at that stage.

Im under no illusions BB. Believe me. I know what was going off but am just careful what i say. But they were not sky high as such and they were both able to sleep pretty quickly instead of been wide awakeso nothing too serious. Im glad she brought them back at least she was showing us openness by doing so even if we did not get to see the action. It stops us thinking was she out with a girl or a man. Well we know now lol. 

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2 minutes ago, sulzer25059 said:

Im under no illusions BB. Believe me. I know what was going off but am just careful what i say. But they were not sky high as such and they were both able to sleep pretty quickly instead of been wide awakeso nothing too serious. Im glad she brought them back at least she was showing us openness by doing so even if we did not get to see the action. It stops us thinking was she out with a girl or a man. Well we know now lol. 

Ho no sulzer don't tell me Mr.box rubbed off on you xD

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10 minutes ago, BBsq69 said:

We'll have to see who the next arrivals are, but it seems she was holding off until Rosie arrived and taht ws a very nice shower last night - not like Stella and Irma but then they have more to play with.

That noise is getting irritating.

next will be Caroline

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1 hour ago, BBsq69 said:

Belle had to tell Michelle after she'd left to tell the guys there were cameras otherwise The Emperor wouldn't like it.

The DJ is a good friend of Danaya - he knows about the apartments. I also seem to recall he has a CamCaps account...

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