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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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Thank you Kylie for that intimate moment yesterday, and have a safe return home !

Thank you Rose and Lola for this very sexy bath :angel:

Rose you are the star :biggrin: ! Maybe things didn't turn out how you wanted tonight but hang in there :angel:

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Kylie and Stella left at 09:29. Somehow or rather I think they will be back to finish packing. May have gone to the RLC pay office to pick up their final pay. Hope Kylie gets a bonus for last night. 

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35 minutes ago, Nari Dog said:

Rosie and Carolina are having a deep and meaningful discussion about what went right/wrong with last night.

So Carol is back in B2? In the bed with Belle?
But Lola still MIA in B1..??

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Morning guys....Looks like last night petered out after I went to bed, I'd expected it to...I thought there were too many girls in different moods, including 2 who never showed for the party...They just weren't all singing from the same hymnbook last night...Rosie and Lola's snogging sessions on the sofa and in the bath, with a bit of tickling the old tonsils going on, was quite hot. However, it was a bit of a strange night, but still very watchable, much better than watching empty apts...

We'll just have to wait and see who goes today now...and who comes in, if anyone. Potentially we could have Stella, although she was a surprise, Kylie, thank you for last night by the way, Caro and Miss x leaving...The last 2 haven't much to pack...:confused:

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8 minutes ago, Noldus said:

So Carol is back in B2? In the bed with Belle?
But Lola still MIA in B1..??

Morning Nold...Yeh looks like it...Strange night and strange morning....probably a strange day if girls are leaving...Altogether strange...:confused:

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