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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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3 minutes ago, happyone said:

17:36 Lola is in B2 talking to Caro in kitchen for Noldus

and Jasmine is only one paying attention-gave her a pat on butt and a kiss

Sorry guys. I might be asking a few stupid questions in the next 15 mins cos I'm in the pub on my phone and can't see the action 

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il y a 6 minutes, nagachilli2 a dit :

Désolé les gars. Je pourrais poser quelques questions stupides dans les 15 prochaines minutes parce que je suis dans le pub sur mon téléphone et ne peut pas voir l'action 

Hurry up there is Jasmin who makes a strip tease Belle and Rose fingers and Caro masturbates..:biggrin:..:cool:..::)

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Caro and Lola at kitchen table talking-miss x in Rose room covered listening to phone or tablet with earplugs-Belle is ignoring them and in her bathroom cleaning 

jewelry fully dressed and Rosie just joined at table-Jasmine fully dressed in her room  on cell-----

That's it for B2 right now

Hurry and get back-this could get tedious :dodgy:

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1 minute ago, martyen said:

Hurry up there is Jasmin who makes a strip tease Belle and Rose fingers and Caro masturbates..:biggrin:..:cool:..::)

Martyen. I only want to know if something exciting happens. Not than boring stuff. :-D

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