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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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i wonder if this creepy guy will be back or that was a one time thing, they had lots of fun but i find him very creepy how he will keep going when the girls want to sleep i wonder if he's related to beardo from last year

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Just now, happyone said:

Thomas you posted this in my profile--I suggest that you ask RLC that question

why hasn't gina left after 90 days, will rlc news letter report than gina is in fact married with a daughter to somebody that lives in spain


i thought u know everything around here 

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Just got home from work, missed all of today's B1 events, so I have some serious catching up to do tonight.

I did come home to the splendid view of Rosie's bottom though. I'm convinced there would be a lot less bad things happening in the world when more people spent more time watching Rosie's butt. :heart:


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Back from work, and wow, lots of things to catch up :biggrin:

I've started to skim through the events of today and replay, that was weird and entertaining at the same time. :biggrin:

I'd like to thank Lola and especially Polya (who already did it in her previous tenure) to have the guts to bring their quarry home, realizing that it is always more convenient to stay at the guy's place (and unfortunately for us, these kind of all nighters have been quite numerous these weeks ...). 

I regularly catch flak on this forum when defending the position that it is better for the girls to have freedom, and the least amount of obligations possible, to have behaviours as spontaneous as possible before the cams (even if I realize that considering the particular setup of the Barcelona apartments, it's a bit of an illusion). But between two evils, I still choose empty beds and nights on the couch looking and phones while watching TV, instead of systemic and scripted fucks that you can see in other places (there are way better produced professional videos elsewhere if I want porn anyway). And when that hands off approach leads to actual action it is for me, as a voyeur, even more exciting and enteraining. This, "the" orgy, Heidi's night, sushi night, or recent Irma awesomeness is what I sign for as a voyeur (as opposed to a consumer of porn).

So yeah, kudos to Polya (who is hereby promoted to legendary status in my book :biggrin:) and Lola, and thanks to you guy for accepting to play you part (with varying degrees of success :biggrin:) despite the cams.

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