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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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45 minutes ago, vlkvlk111 said:

Thanks mods for keeping this place tidy :exclamation:

I would have gotten to it sooner but I had a Doctors Appointment this Morning.  Can't miss those. They keep feeding me pills.

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3 hours ago, happyman88 said:

Yes you are completely correct but Lola is a good organiser and great entertainment value, when it suits her ::)


9 hours ago, thomas979 said:

lola sent this guy to polya when she wanted to sleep what a bitch move by lola

I ik Lola is that  kmind of girl ... pretty good to start something, but unable to finish what she started ... Proof:  she didn't do anything but drinking, taking selfies and that's it ! 

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