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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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18 minutes ago, vortios said:

As it was, I do not know. But it is more likely that someone in a private car, for example Marc, approach her, than a taxi. But the case, is that she got there in that time, that is indisputable.
By the way, nearby, there are no taxi stops, so she tended to warn you, to pick you up.

Vortios, you ware thinking too much. The simplest explanations   are the most reals.

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its is a shame to see what has happened to gina but if they send her home I hope someone out there will help her or else  she is out f control right now and needs help when the twins were there she drank and hung out til stella and substances arrived I hope she can get help or her life will be a living hell and mess

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59 minutes ago, phantomcapsnet said:

Vortios, que ware pensar demasiado. Las explicaciones más simples son los más reales.

99% of the time, that's true. But my experience with taxis, is very negative. More if I do not know the city, that I have been taking a detour.
But as I said before, it is indisputable, that she was there at that time.

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21 minutes ago, rj219 said:

its is a shame to see what has happened to gina but if they send her home I hope someone out there will help her or else  she is out f control right now and needs help when the twins were there she drank and hung out til stella and substances arrived I hope she can get help or her life will be a living hell and mess

It is not a big deal

Stella and Elisa was worsts

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2 minutes ago, phantomcapsnet said:

It is not a big deal

Stella and Elisa was worsts

Agreed, it's not a big deal.

Young people like to get fucked up occasionally, especially on holiday. I speak from experience :biggrin:

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7 minutes ago, phantomcapsnet said:

It is not a big deal

Stella and Elisa was worsts

i think Lima holds the world heavyweight title of the heaviest drinker. She was so drunk on one occasion she fell asleep inher food lol

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