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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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12 minutes ago, nagachilli2 said:


When I went to Florida for 2 weeks it was a case of 'Naga on Vacation'...While I was there, I went to the Gulf Coast for 3 days...So, a vacation within a vacation...What Nicole, and quite a few of the other girls have done in the past, is, my friend, REAL LIFE I'm afraid...You are paying to witness a small part of their REAL LIFE, weather they're in the apartment or not...Just saying...:biggrin:

The meaning of my words is not what you guys read . I repeat :" the term 'vacation on a vacation " is not correct "a few days away " during a vacation is a better description !!! Read before react .

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2 minutes ago, turkey said:

The meaning of my words is not what you guys read . I repeat :" the term 'vacation on a vacation " is not correct "a few days away " during a vacation is a better description !!! Read before react .

What's the fucking difference.!!..scratching head smiley

I was staying in a villa, I spent a few days away from the villa...Then I went back to the villa...

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il y a 28 minutes, nagachilli2 a dit :


Quand je suis allé en Floride pendant 2 semaines, il était un cas de « Naga en vacances » ... Pendant que j'y étais, je suis allé pendant 3 jours à la côte du Golfe ... Alors, vacances dans les vacances ... Qu'est-ce que Nicole , et un certain nombre d'autres filles ont fait dans le passé, est, mon ami, REAL LIFE j'ai peur ... Vous payez pour assister à une petite partie de leur vie REAL, le temps qu'ils sont dans l'appartement ou pas ... Il suffit de dire ...:biggrin:

Naga I do not know if you remember but I had posted # Naga on vacation just before you left just a friendly nod ..:wink:

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il y a 13 minutes, nagachilli2 a dit :

Était-ce récemment Martyen, quand je suis allé à Majorque? ... Oui, je me souviens ... Merci pour cela, mais mon voyage était en Floride 2015 ...:biggrin:

Ah OK. You should take a vacation in Barçelone I know a very pleasant place with girls on vacation for three months I hope you enjoy the night club drink. Just a problem there are security cams to see if people enter the apartment during their absence. .:biggrin:

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6 hours ago, turkey said:

I don´t care if the girls are in the app or not , but the saying " are in vacation " is not ok . they are in vacation in Barca , now Nicole is a few days away , oke , she is still in vacation in Barca . She don´t need a vacation during her vacation !!!!

so we are down to arguing about semantics----who cares what they say-on vacation or away for a few days

It means the same damn thing 

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5 hours ago, legrandrobert said:

Please cc members, tell me who gets 3 months vacation from their job, the most I got was 4 weeks. After 10 years of working at he same place

guess you were in the wrong profession :biggrin: lol

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Ok. This is the last I'll say on the subject....
The girls are getting paid for having 12 or 16 camera's pointed at them 24/7, and may or may not get more money depending on what they do...That is not the issue here.

They are on vacation, and are acting like they are...We don't know exactly what they are getting up to outside the apt but an educated guess, considering they are in one of Europe's most vibrant cities, would be

  • Siteseeing
  • Shopping 
  • Getting a tan
  • Eating nice food
  • Drinking
  • Partying
    Plus all the stuff they do for us to see...So basically, Girl's on Vacation, regardless of what some here think...They are doing exactly the same as I do when I go on vacation/holiday, whatever you want to call it...well. except for the partying...:dodgy:
  • Plus it may involve a trip within a trip, which appears to be what Nicole is doing...

    Now, we've established that Marc isn't comfortable having fun with her in front of the cams. and he hasn't been round in B2 for a few days now. So he might have wisked her off to somewhere equally nice in Spain for some quality time with her, away from the cams...
    Or. it's Father's Day today, so she might have gone back home to see her Dad and spend a few days with her family...Who knows, but to go off for a few days while on vacation in Barca is not unreasonable...
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