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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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3 minutes ago, Nari Dog said:

Interesting that Polya and Gina seemed to be developing a strong friendship of late, often out together without Lola.

Yes, I've noticed that and I mentioned it earlier in the day...I don't think Lola will stay the full 90 days...

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I love Sofie when she goes out without panties but not at all when she masturbates under the covers 2:24 cam12 to see the movement. But as I like it I will just wait for it to be comfortable with the apartment and the cams

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2 minutes ago, Teddy 1 said:

yes she has! A couple of times...

Thanks Teddy, missed them all. She is quite pleasant on the eyeballs. :biggrin: Will just have to keep a closer lookout for her doing the shower run.

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8 minutes ago, Nari Dog said:

Thanks Teddy, missed them all. She is quite pleasant on the eyeballs. :biggrin: Will just have to keep a closer lookout for her doing the shower run.

you're welcome! I'm most impressed with her legs.... amazing.

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WOW.....this thread is totally dead!  People really have something to talk about these days and it isn't the weather but whether or not will the girls ever come home and when they do, will they be dripping liquids across the floor and all the way up to the bathroom or will they bounce off of walls like a pinball game.  Whatever the case me be, I am so happy they are out and enjoying themselves and not contributing to the "Save the Whales Foundation"!!

By the way......has anybody talked to BBSQ?  I haven't seen anything from him lately.

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I have to say that this is the quickest I have ever caught up after being gone a few hours.  It's really nice to not have to read multiple pages of basically the same posts over and over.  Thank you guys for not posting when there is nothing of any significance going on.

I'm off to bed in a few.......sleep well ladies and gents!

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