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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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I am amused, in the good sense of the word, how the conversation is flowing, throughout the night, night after night, and especially, tonight, with the visit of the intended friend of Gina.

And they seem to forget some things ... so it seems, this guy is Spanish (what luck we have in Spain lol), but the last few times he has heard talk to the boy on the phone, she always spoke in English, why? Gina knows we can have a conversation in Spanish. I understand that in front of the girls speak in English, but what need to do it in private?

That does not fit.

On the other hand, I understand that people want to see a little action in Gina, but in reality, she would not do anything you do not see in the couple apartments ....

But I would dare to point ... if she has not done anything like that in 121 days, will she do it now?

It is also said that it may be that Gina does the same as Polya last year, who brought B1 to a boy his last night, but perhaps what many people do not remember is that it was a real failure, since most Of the action, happened under the sheets.

Do you really want to see that?


We can have mixed opinions, see the behavior of the girls in different ways, but what is obvious is that you are girls, do not create spectacle for the subscribers, and their outputs, contribute much less to add subscribers.

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15 minutes ago, DES7469 said:

No creo RLC Publicación acerca de una condición médica. Estoy seguro de que aquí en los EE.UU. que sería contrario a la ley .. Eso es información privada.

In the European Union, it is also. It's more I do not know any country, where it is not a crime.

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I work in a place where we often use stroboscopic lights when we use them to warn people who can lead to epileptic seizures, if someone suffers, I think the nightclubs are not the places suitable for these people, but Nicole is big and I think he knows what he's doing

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2 minutes ago, Sergio said:

Yo trabajo en un lugar donde a menudo utilizamos luces estroboscópicas cuando los usamos para advertir a la gente que puede conducir a ataques epilépticos, si alguien sufre, creo que las discotecas no son los lugares adecuados para estas personas, pero Nicole es grande y creo que él sabe lo que está haciendo

I assure you, it's not the best place, and not just for the lights, but for the loud music, and some frequencies, which can be very damaging to Nicole right now. Ideally, she would lead a quiet, non-alcoholic life ... a few hours of regular sleep and healthy meals.

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9 minutes ago, vortios said:

I assure you, it's not the best place, and not just for the lights, but for the loud music, and some frequencies, which can be very damaging to Nicole right now. Ideally, she would lead a quiet, non-alcoholic life ... a few hours of regular sleep and healthy meals.

and regular sex 

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