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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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5 minutes ago, rosey 1 said:

where's the real Nicole? she's doing the hidding and not the guy...

At one point Oscar took blanket off, Nic pulled it back on!

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It should have been abundantly clear thus far that Nicole read all the comments and was affected by them.

When you have half a "community"  with the long term memory of a goldfish who will burn what they one adored because of just a moment of weakness, and throwing tantrums everytimes things don't go there way, and generally forgetting that we are dealing with complex things like people, and a few people only interested in sowing dissent fueling fires, for the sake of damaging both rlc and the community ...  you end up in an escalating war of words and in the end a shitty situation for everyone involved.

I am mildly annoyed to have missed a sex session (although the guy was competing with Smith to enter the Guinness book of records for speed ?), but I am quite amused by Nicole's guts.

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