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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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I have owned a business for over 32 years. Business needs customers, but we are glad when high maintenance complaining 

customers like a lot of you are do not come back or decide to go somewhere else.  Also, how many of you complaining about empty apartments stay home 24/7 if you were yonger?

If the shoe fits, wear it 


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There you go guys, Angel's asleep. She will now get less shit off you all than she would he she had masturbated for you...:confused:

She's had more stick tonight, holding the fort for B2 and B1, lying towards Cam 8 showing her pussy than all the other girls who've fucked off out again!! WTF...:angry:

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2 minutes ago, nagachilli2 said:

Goodnight Angel....At least someone here loves you...:angel::heart:

I'm still here and I can say that I watch her even when gina is placing her pussy at the cams and all that say they love :angel: go to watch that cam 

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11 minutes ago, Nari Dog said:

One twin home.

Well that is just not right-something must be terribly wrong:dodgy: or she did not like the circumstances and she is smarter than I

originally gave her credit for :biggrin:

Edited by happyone
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2 minutes ago, martyen said:

Do you think a twin goes home because RLC said he needed a girl to calm our annoyance or I'm stupid to think that?

you are the one who suggested it ::)  Contrary to the opinions of some, RLC does not tell them what to do IMHO

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Just now, Nari Dog said:

From the bed position it's Lia.

Now normally I might be quite excited that it's Lia home alone. She would tease and tantalize us by constantly playing with her pussy, waiting for her Sis to come in so she's got a reason to stop, and do fuck all., But tonight we won't even get that because she's had her panties on all day because I think it's her time of the month...

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