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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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Mikelima OK for Rosie but no encouragement for high heels to My Belle:heart:.

Outside the sexy dances more than a week ago that breast business was the sexiest thing involving Belle seen for a very long time. I see Rosie is dressing more in the fashion of Belle during her first visit and Belle seems to be following - what a surprise Belle following!

Is the new girl about to fully resurrect the old Belle? :biggrin:

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44 minutes ago, euromike69 said:

Meran please stop quoting that idiot,,I don't wanna see his bullshit,,,,the people who have him blocked will see his comments whenever you guys keep on quoting him.:cool:


Ok dude. I will do the same. better to block :) 

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2 minutes ago, BBsq69 said:

Mikelima OK for Rosie but no encouragement for high heels to My Belle:heart:.

Outside the sexy dances more than a week ago that breast business was the sexiest thing involving Belle seen for a very long time. I see Rosie is dressing more in the fashion of Belle during her first visit and Belle seems to be following - what a surprise Belle following!

Is the new girl about to fully resurrect the old Belle? :biggrin:

If we are very very lucky..:biggrin:

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3 minutes ago, BBsq69 said:

Mikelima OK per Rosie, ma nessun incoraggiamento per i tacchi alti a mio Belle :heart:.

Fuori le danze sexy più di una settimana fa che il business seno è stato la cosa più sexy che coinvolge Belle visto per un tempo molto lungo. Vedo Rosie si veste più la moda del Belle durante la sua prima visita e Belle sembra seguire - che sorpresa Belle seguente!

È la nuova ragazza che sta per resuscitare pienamente il vecchio Belle? :biggrin:




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1 minute ago, meran said:

Ok dude. I will do the same. better to block :) 

30 minutes ago, MrBox said:


... as much as i would like to be a troll ... i am just a very stubborn person ... it is not always easy. ... :)


Anyway, ... here is how trolls look like


... just compare it with my avatar ....  trolls are very obviously something entirely different. ... :cool:

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