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Anna & Alex - Part 2

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1 hour ago, Amy3 said:

0849! @Voyeur House TV ok, that's enough. If you don't permanently ban Rex, I'm done with your site. He is now hitting her when she clearly does not want to be hit. This is abuse and you fucking know it. 

Well just managed to go back with the timeline on my phone. And I must say as much as I tolerate rough sex this slapping had no sexual background at all. I agree with you Amy. Not ok. Really looks like abuse to me.

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i checked the timeline & it looks like rex is at it again. i also see that there are no positive comments. the views are probably down. if that's the case maybe a & a won't invite his abusive ass over anymore. rex is a piece of shit.

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14 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

Please back me up on this guys. ? I am so fucking upset right now. He treats her like an animal. 

i was probably the 1st to condemn this piece of shit asshole. i had a good night sleep & checked the timeline to see him doing the same shit. no views from me if this clown is at the apt. he belongs on a fetish site where he can be tied up & face slapped while he gets a strap on up the ass & water tortured with dana pissing down his throat & forced to say how much he likes it. i'd even pay to see that once. he is a fucking piece of shit worthless asshole excuse for the waste of space that he takes up & the air he breathes. i'll stop now before i really get upset.

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For once I agree fully with the complainers. This Rex is sitting on his ass the whole night while Dana takes hours to work on Anna. Then he is angry that he doesn't come after a full hour (?) of fellatio. She must have had a sore cheek already before his blow.

I don't understand why girls should/would like spanking (on the ass!) but almost all the guys on VH and VV do it. Even many girls on MFC spank themselves, so I suppose it will be O.K. with them.

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This mother fucker was beating her 6 hours ago, 12am my time. i watched about 10 minutes of it and went to bed thinking how much longer will she be terrorized tonight. Now i find out it's into the morning.. This vile piece of shit was smacking her so hard, it was almost like a punch   In fact @golfer06, if you get a minute, they got up and went to the kitchen about 6 hours ago, 12pm out time, and then got showers i guess. look right before they go 5 minutes before they get up, and listen to how these slaps sound like an open hand punch, and he a full followthrough on them. He then puls her up and she's literally staggering like she's drunk. Before they got up, he gave it to her brutally in the ass, she was makink a choking noise like she couldn't breath, and he was choking at times also.  Forget about throwing him of and banning him, call the cops on him and offer to let her stay for a while till she can get her shitm together. This is assauly and battery. If a cop saw someone doing this on the street he would be arrested, , but he does it in the bedroom, so some fucking assholes think that she must like it. If it was your sister or your mom, you would try top kill this vicious violent  cock sucker. I am so sick to my stomach right now knowing she was enduring this all night when i was sleeping. Anna please take her somewhere she can be safe from him,aybe if someone talks to her they can convinve her she doesn't deserve these beatings before she get sseriously injured or mkilled. VH, you need to do this, very few on here like this abuse, and its against the law, dont you have any empathy for this dana at all., she needs to be rescued, not them just banned, if that happens, he's gonna really make her sorry. When i think about her getting this every day, i start to shake and cry out loud for someone to do something. ALEX be a good man and report him to the police, before he kills her.

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