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Anna & Alex - Part 2

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11 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

That makes no sense. I'm not taking anything, I'm pointing out the obvious fact that you have decided to intentionally stir the shit in order to get a reaction out of others, namely Golfer. It's called being a troll. What Ashley has done to this place is truly beneath the VH brand and is widely not accepted on these sites, yet you defend it, not because you believe it, but because you must be so bored that you feel the need to chose a side and find enjoyment by castigating the comments of others for a reaction. It's a dead end road your on. Feel free to drop it return yourself back to dignity.


2 minutes ago, thedbear said:

I do not know about the others here, but this story of Ashley, Dean and out-of-character behaviors of the site already gave in my patience.

In my view, it has effectively become a challenge and a challenge for all of us here ... Even for those who integrate the site.

Engaging in the shower and behind the opaque curtains right? (?) The candle light or is deliberately hiding from the cam is absurd to keep tolerating and pretending that nothing is happening. This is by no means something to be tolerated as "guests".

Fuck you even if they're Anna's guests, Mine is not. And I believe no one on this site. And if they are not of the project. Get out .

It does not make sense to bring someone to my apartment who will generate negative comments for my project.
Anna should be held responsible for this and equally fined. As if the cams were moved. This is worse. Much worse.

Anyone here against? Really 

well said & agree 1000%. to those who find this entertaining you now can see it in perpetuity !!!! enjoy !!!!

ashtowel 1.gif

ashtowel 2.gif

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To emphasize, I'm no longer in the mood for Ashley to be physically hiding her body. I've lost a lot, I'm interested in this.

I am focusing on the act itself, the circumstances surrounding it and the deliberate consequences on it.

It could be with any other guest. (If) he would stop behaving as such. What we have evidently here. This now for those who have not yet realized will enter the third week there.


Sorry I know your position on, but this in the way it is already and peaked at a few moments ago, now turned abuse and deliberate disrespect with this project. For who is not even part of it.

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I think you're absolutely right. Back to "shy girl", which should never have been changed ..
The name may be beautiful, but the behavior and the presence are awful.

I hope that VH, who says to be attentive and listening to us, is following this closely ............. nor is it futile to reply that we should not watch it online. Seeing in the timeline itself, the effect is even more devastating. And that's what I've been doing for a long time to this apartment with this presence there. Yesterday in some points was execution. But today totally off.

So this post now after the happened.

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1 hour ago, jabbath1987 said:

I give you one :biggrin:


1 hour ago, jabbath1987 said:

Guess whos behind the curtain ::)


One thing at least Dean finally had. For those who were aware of the movements and noises characteristic high and good sound for understanding.
He got his oral sex and reciprocated. Finally . Just behind the curtains.
So they are not worth as proof of the act.

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2 hours ago, ashleyxyz said:

I think her name needs to be changed, 

Her name should have been Heidi. As a matter of fact, from now on her name is Heidi. Naming this girl Ashley is an insult to our very own Ashley.

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It's still fun to read your messages, despite the fact that there is a big difference between what people think they know by watching and those who really understand things, some people still camp on their positions because what 'He thinks of the project has become so their standard, Thanks Groomy for allowing to put some things back in the real context
On the other hand I thought you were more civilized than the members of RLC but I see that finally it is the same everywhere
Do not forget the respect between you and others, even if you do not have the same vision of things about what VHTV can be
Thanks to all

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1 minute ago, Amy3 said:

Are you referring to me or who? Sorry, too cryptic, I don't undersrand what you are saying.

I am not targeting anyone in particular, otherwise I would have put the name of the person

I speak in general, this applies for everyone
Now if you feel you aim, it is that you have things to reapproch you :biggrin:

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As far as I'm concerned Dean and Heidi can leave right now. Walk out the door, goodbye! They disrespect the intent of the site by intentionally hiding their true life from the cams (us the payers). Guests or not, the rules are the same the second you walk through that door.

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2 minutes ago, moos54 said:

I am not targeting anyone in particular, otherwise I would have put the name of the person

I speak in general, this applies for everyone
Now if you feel you aim, it is that you have things to reapproch you :biggrin:

I'll just assume it's me you are referring to then. So be it!

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2 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

As far as I'm concerned Dean and Heidi can leave right now. Walk out the door, goodbye! They disrespect the intent of the site by intentionally hiding their true life from the cams (us the payers). Guests or not, the rules are the same the second you walk through that door.

Until you have evidence of some sort of contract Ashley has entered into she is not at fault -To profess anything else is lynch mob mentality

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