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3 minutes ago, Foamy T. Squirrel said:


Damn right. Females are vain about their beauty, and often overly sensitive about the size and shape of their bodies. Men have an ego, instead, and loathe to admit they are young and inexperienced lovers. Mating is instinctual, but the technique is learned. Males only get better if the partner explains (gently) what she needs.

It doesn't help that every woman I ever made love to had a different set of requirements. Adapting to different partners can be hard, especially for a young man, which is always a good start. :biggrin:

It's so much fun learning our "requirements" though, isn't it Foamy? Lol

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9 minutes ago, Foamy T. Squirrel said:


Damn right. Females are vain about their beauty, and often overly sensitive about the size and shape of their bodies. Men have an ego, instead, and loathe to admit they are young and inexperienced lovers. Mating is instinctual, but the technique is learned. Males only get better if the partner explains (gently) what she needs.

It doesn't help that every woman I ever made love to had a different set of requirements. Adapting to different partners can be hard, especially for a young man, which is always a good start. :biggrin:

Poor Gabriel, he has the instinctual part of mating down, insert dick into vagina, he's got to learn the fun parts of mating!

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