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Silvia & Josh

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I get you're not talking about Groomy and this case in particular but what you're asking is two sides of the same coin.  If someone didn't like the information that you were translating and asked you to stop then they have about as much "right" to expect you to do what they say as someone that asks Groomy to carry on, none!

The only way I think that you could be stopped is by the mods if for example you were translating their personal address details etc - but that will be a request to stop because of an infringement on site policy which is fair enough.  To ask or expect you to stop for any other reason is nonsense because no one owns you, you're not an employee or contracted to do (or not) do something by the rest of us - which is my point with Groomy.  It really doesn't matter what his excuse or reason is, if he doesn't want to do something then, meh he doesn't have to do it.

Private contact details are too private to be sharing on here, I think anything else goes - but I don't expect anyone else to agree with me on that, particularly if the someone that disagrees with me also holds information that they personally think is too private.  Interesting discussion anyway.

7 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

Thats a reference to Groomy  im not talking about him. I'm taking about this idea that certain topics are too private.

This was the reason given for not posting it.


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Just now, cyberleader said:

we were once human,our scientists devised spare parts for our weakening bodies,and we became cybermen.

the short version

Are you sure it was all your scientists and not some influence from a disgruntled timelord.

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I think many of you are missing the point.

If you're hired by VH (or RLC or...?), you're hired to put your lives on display 24/7.  If you're in the house, everything goes! People are paying to see your behavior (good, bad or indifferent). If a VH resident wants to keep something private, step outside the boundaries of the VH world.

And on a related note, most of these people are PAID to stay home...stay indoors and be the 'circus animal'.  Others have arrangements where they have an outside job (or school). So they are not contracted to be home during the day (or whenever).

Now...if someone understand Russian and declares he/she knows what is being said but wont translate due to keeping their 'privacy', then that person is a douche.  Why???  Because there is no reason to throw a carrot in front of the rabbit and say I understand what is being said but I won't translate.  That's being a douche.  He should just keep his mouth shut and not say anything.

Bottom line: If you're on camera, your life is mine (figuratively, not literally).


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sorry that i was away for a little while but let me say that it's rare that everyone seems to have really valid points at the same time on the same subject. as sr71gn said the subject is allready not private because it was aired by the participants & only non russian speakers are left out of the loop. we are grateful to groomy for his translations but he or anyone else doesn't have to say anything if he doesn't want to.as far as knowledge is concerned i do want to know everything. withpout the knowledge i will speculate as to what i think may be happening but let it be known that it is speculation only. having said that i find it to be very entertaining discussing the different possibilities & in a sense writing our own stories. that is 1 of the things that makes the forum fun & entertaining. i hope that we do find out what happened & i hope that they will straighten it out & get back to enjoying themselves. the compound seems to be filled with a group of very nice people & i want them to enjoy themselves & that in turn will make it more fun for us to watch.

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Well said Golfer. My issue is with the topic of privacy not Groomy. He can do whatever he wants. I am in NO way demanding or asking him to do anything. But if someone comes along and tells everything, it would be perfectly fine as long as it wasn't something that met the CC standards. Just like nothing you do on the internet is private, neither is anything they do. CC is the only censor authority here. Ok, I'm going to try really hard to stop now. Sorry Nack, I know I'm killing you.

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