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Silvia & Josh

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I'm more concerned about what I can see, or can't see. I wish this table would be moved, or the cameras, or even give them a decent sofa to sit on in front of it.  They are in the kitchen quite a lot to watch TV but the table blocks the view.

Good to see that they can be in the same room as each other anyway.


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2 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

So you don't care to know what S and J are arguing about? Not even just a little?

To tell you the truth Amy, no; I really don't give a rat's ass.  I posted awhile back I thought there was trouble in paradise between these two.  I've always felt their relationship was somewhat superficial and not long lasting.  In the grand scheme of things relative to my and mine's lives, whatever they're going through is their problem and not mine. Although I think Sylvia has an outstanding body, I've a only seen one time where i thought their sex was creative and they were really into it.  The rest of the time they are rather mundane.  She seems distant to him and he seems to be in a constant state of wondering when it will end.  Don't get me wrong, I wish them all the best but I don't expect much out of relationship.

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Is there anything interesting going on in the voyeur sites?

I'm just wondering because when nothing is going on our members have a tendency to argue endlessly about trivial things.

I appreciate people who speak multiple languages (especially Russian and Catalan). As long as no information is released that would endanger the tenants, or destroy their outside employment situation, it's fine with me as a mod. We have some rules here, but they're limited, and we have no way to legislate that CC posters use common sense when posting.

Just remember: CamCaps is not blocked to or from the tenants' servers. They are here. They are watching their watchers. Never say anything about them you would not be willing to say to their face.

You think you are watching them. They are watching you.


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11 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

Well said Golfer. My issue is with the topic of privacy not Groomy. He can do whatever he wants. I am in NO way demanding or asking him to do anything. But if someone comes along and tells everything, it would be perfectly fine as long as it wasn't something that met the CC standards. Just like nothing you do on the internet is private, neither is anything they do. CC is the only censor authority here. Ok, I'm going to try really hard to stop now. Sorry Nack, I know I'm killing you.

thanks amy. whether or not something is deemed by someone to be sensitive i still do want to know about it. just human nature. and i'm not into condemning people for their behavior. 

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2 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

I'm getting to the point where I would rather understand what's happening in their relationships then see the sex. I long for an English speaking apt.

LMAO ! Sorry but too honest when I watch the voyeur sites I have my volume on MUTE , don't care what their chatting about I'm here for nudity and sex .

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its not just the spoken word that has language,body language can also be read and understood long before any word is spoken.facial expressions the eyes.hand gestures all play a part in whats been said or not said,although i cannot and i wish i did understand whats being said,looks and movements give of signals,i am still learning how to interprate them

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7 minutes ago, jjs said:

LMAO ! Sorry but too honest when I watch the voyeur sites I have my volume on MUTE , don't care what their chatting about I'm here for nudity and sex .

Ha! Love it! You're missing the oohs and aahs though. ❤️

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Looks like that all what happened over the last 2 days is forgotten.  She is sucking him off with hugs and kisses in between pauses to take a breath

But Josh has lost my respect for  this morning attitude.  Insulting her for 3 hours non-step is not acceptable to my point of view


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