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Silvia & Josh

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On 2017-5-15 at 3:08 PM, Russ said:

100% agree golfer06 & jabbath1987  i wish they were with a another couple though

As I already pointed out in this post is at the moment the apartment that has my greatest attention of monitoring on line.
Do I need to watch more?

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4 minutes ago, Gudari said:

There is definitely a problem among them, or rather with Silvia, continually looking for Josh and she doesn't want to fuck, I've even seen a nice gesture from yesterday by her. Silvia is refusing to Josh.

Define "problem".  Possibly one of them is ill (or she's on her period?).  Just watched them kissy-face for the past hour.  Lots and lots of love between these two. Probably the most affectionate couple on VHTV.

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2 minutes ago, Howard said:

Definir "problema". Posiblemente uno de ellos es mala (o ella está en su período?). Apenas los vio kissy cara durante la última hora. Montones y montones de amor entre estos dos. Probablemente la pareja más cariñosa en VHTV.

Sorry, perhaps at that time not the see, but if it is true that notice something different from Silvia, you may have reason, it surprised me going from almost all to very little.

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2 minutes ago, Gudari said:

Sorry, perhaps at that time not the see, but if it is true that notice something different from Silvia, you may have reason, it surprised me going from almost all to very little.

As I type this, he is lovingly caressing her on the couch.  She's just soaking it in vs participating.  I think she's under the weather.

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2 hours ago, Howard said:

Definir "problema". Possivelmente um deles está doente (ou ela está no seu período?). Simplesmente assisti-los beijar-face para a última hora. Lotes e lotes do amor entre estes dois. Provavelmente o casal mais afetuoso em VHTV.

Today, for a while, it has been completely covered (only the outside face), so besides the cold, the feeling I had is that it is not yet fully recovered. Possibly also your period or about. See the time and see what this proceeds.
With each view, I carefully observe the care and attention that Josth has towards Silvia.
Nothing different or suggesting some kind of quarrel between them.

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57 minutes ago, sr71gn said:

Cada apartamento vh é agora chato como ver a grama crescer - Eles realmente ferrado deixando tara e tory ir

And it will get worse.
Lina changing apartment? Bad, but acceptable since it does not have much hearing at this moment.

Restore the apartment that was blocked this weekend? Could not create "roots" yet
But deactivating Sivia and Josth for the same reason and I believe it will not be something like turning it off and reconnecting on the same day ,from previous experiences here?

It will be the nevralgic point, if not well orchestrated this movement and aligned with the active apartments.

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