eagleb1 Posted December 3, 2017 Posted December 3, 2017 21 hours ago, euromike69 said: [ ... ] Here's how the Senate plan could affect you: 2017 rates versus your rate under the Senate bill The Senate bill maintains seven brackets, the same number as exist under current law, but it also lowers most of the rates and raises many of the income thresholds. For example, a married couple making $200,000 in 2017 would have paid $42,884.50 in taxes. Under the Senate bill, they would move from the 28 percent to the 24 percent tax bracket, and their tax bill would drop to $37,079 — before deductions are considered. [ ... ] As a CPA, I'm surprised at an important mistake in explaining this. It compares "a married couple MAKING $200,000." These charts show the tax on TAXABLE income which will varies considerably comparing current deductions versus either the Senate or House bills. I live in a relatively high tax state --- Connecticut. My property taxes are $16,000 plus I pay substantial state income taxes. The TEMPORARY reduction in the tax rate will not offset the deductions that I lose. It should surprise no one that losers like me happen to live in states with high local taxes and who happen to typically vote Democratic. 1
Ridgerunner Posted December 23, 2017 Posted December 23, 2017 What happened?I thought President Trump was Putin's puppet.The U.S. just announced that they are sending anti-tank weapons to Ukraine to help them with their fight against Russian backed separatists in Eastern Ukraine.Weapons were approved by the U.S.Congress in 2014,but Putin's real puppet Obama never sent them to Ukraine. 1
itsme Posted December 23, 2017 Author Posted December 23, 2017 4 hours ago, Ridgerunner said: What happened?I thought President Trump was Putin's puppet.The U.S. just announced that they are sending anti-tank weapons to Ukraine to help them with their fight against Russian backed separatists in Eastern Ukraine.Weapons were approved by the U.S.Congress in 2014,but Putin's real puppet Obama never sent them to Ukraine. I am withholding judgement on this one. We don't know all the details yet. However, you can't deny that if it was Obama doing this there would be endless conspiracy theories about how this is just a distraction and that there was some ulterior motive. The right wing media takes whatever Trump says at face value and without question, but when it comes to what Hillary or the Democrats say it's all part of some grand conspiracy theory to destroy America.
Ridgerunner Posted December 23, 2017 Posted December 23, 2017 14 minutes ago, itsme said: I am withholding judgement on this one. We don't know all the details yet. However, you can't deny that if it was Obama doing this there would be endless conspiracy theories about how this is just a distraction and that there was some ulterior motive. The right wing media takes whatever Trump says at face value and without question, but when it comes to what Hillary or the Democrats say it's all part of some grand conspiracy theory to destroy America. The mainstream media has covered for the fucking Clintons since 1992,and Barack Obama was an unaccomplished little boy whose administration was probably one of the most corrupt in the history of the United States.Obama is the president who never was. 2
Maturin Posted January 20, 2018 Posted January 20, 2018 52 minutes ago, StnCld316 said: What is more embarrasing for America is that the rest of the world is watching people, who you would think should know better, defending Trump and the Republican party! Fools! 1
Thestarider Posted January 21, 2018 Posted January 21, 2018 On 1/20/2018 at 3:31 AM, Maturin said: What is more embarrasing for America is that the rest of the world is watching people, who you would think should know better, defending Trump and the Republican party! Fools! Well it is nice to see they are watching again, instead of dictating to the American President, like they have for the past 8 years. Nice to see some of these countries are trying to actually support the United Nations again financially, instead of just benefitting from it. You seem to be so worried about the US, you can't see what is really the threat to the EU, can you speak Russian? or maybe Chinese ? or most likely it will be from your new mother land Islam. China has pumped $9 billion into Central and Eastern European nations, according to state-run news outlet Xinhua. Sixteen countries in the region have signed up to China's Belt and Road Initiative, a massive initiative designed to increase Beijing's exports and global political power. Russia’s Actions, Spending Send Chill Through Europe, It takes only a look at Russia’s recent history and military investments to understand that the nation is a threat to Europe now and beyond. Islamic migration to the EU is about 25.8 million or 5 % of the population since 1992. and 3.3 million since 2014. It is projected to grow far beyond those numbers to an astounding 25% by 2050. BTW Maturin, Americans are not embarrassed by the loud mouth, twitter tweeting President, because they are living better now that they have in past 30 years since Reagan was president. There is an old adage that says "ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS" The Only Person the Media Has a Higher Approval Rating Than in New Poll Is Vladimir Putin !!! TRUMP IS RIGHT: Mainstream Media Approval Rating At Record LOW With Americans American are embarrassed by their BS Media. Americans are truly embarrassed by the US congress
Maturin Posted January 21, 2018 Posted January 21, 2018 3 hours ago, Thestarider said: Well it is nice to see they are watching again, instead of dictating to the American President, like they have for the past 8 years. Nice to see some of these countries are trying to actually support the United Nations again financially, instead of just benefitting from it. You seem to be so worried about the US, you can't see what is really the threat to the EU, can you speak Russian? or maybe Chinese ? or most likely it will be from your new mother land Islam. China has pumped $9 billion into Central and Eastern European nations, according to state-run news outlet Xinhua. Sixteen countries in the region have signed up to China's Belt and Road Initiative, a massive initiative designed to increase Beijing's exports and global political power. Russia’s Actions, Spending Send Chill Through Europe, It takes only a look at Russia’s recent history and military investments to understand that the nation is a threat to Europe now and beyond. Islamic migration to the EU is about 25.8 million or 5 % of the population since 1992. and 3.3 million since 2014. It is projected to grow far beyond those numbers to an astounding 25% by 2050. BTW Maturin, Americans are not embarrassed by the loud mouth, twitter tweeting President, because they are living better now that they have in past 30 years since Reagan was president. There is an old adage that says "ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS" The Only Person the Media Has a Higher Approval Rating Than in New Poll Is Vladimir Putin !!! TRUMP IS RIGHT: Mainstream Media Approval Rating At Record LOW With Americans American are embarrassed by their BS Media. Americans are truly embarrassed by the US congress Haha, yeah ok, America is doing great! Allow me to extend a massive thumbs up on behalf of all the non-shut down governments in the rest of the world. Your President is in Putin's pocket and you cheer as he subverts your much lauded justice system in order to keep himself out of jail The Republicans control both houses and the presidency yet they can't stop a shut down of your government Your Fox News doesn't even try to pretend any more that it is anything but a dishonest propaganda machine Your people have genuine conversations on the merits for and against a national health service, whilst the rst of the developed world looks on and scratches its head at the idiocy of not having such People that are for a national health service are labelled commies When your president moaned about too many people from "shithole countries," and that he wanted more people from Norway, Norwegians were like, "The fuck do I want to move to America?" Americans post pictures of poverty and people who have fallen out of the system (as you did in another post) and laugh at those unfortunate people as if they deserve to be living in tents in the "land of the free" 20% of US children live in poverty 50% of your people believe in creationism Your standards of living are significantly poorer compared to Europe, Canada, Japan etc You pick fights with East Asian arable farmers that have shit nuclear weapons which are probably more dangerous to them than to anyone else yet they are not scared ofyou - not one bit Shock and Awe worked out well didn't it? Maybe one day you'll win a war, it's been many many decades since you did that Look at the disgusting way your treat your veterans, you should all be fucking ashamed of yourselves Your people allowed all their jobs to be shipped overseas and now you believe that Donald Trump is the man to get them back again? hahaha 1% of your population own 95% of the wealth, yet you are are fine with this because you still believe the lie that the 1% tell you about the "American dream" and that one day you'll have some of that if only you could catch a break - they have rigged the game against you, you will never "catch a break" But yeah, please keep going on about Europe and Islam like you only get your news from 2015 whilst your country is tearing itself apart.
Thestarider Posted January 21, 2018 Posted January 21, 2018 2 minutes ago, Maturin said: Haha, yeah ok, America is doing great! Allow me to extend a massive thumbs up on behalf of all the non-shut down governments in the rest of the world. Your President is in Putin's pocket and you cheer as he subverts your much lauded justice system in order to keep himself out of jail The Republicans control both houses and the presidency yet they can't stop a shut down of your government Your Fox News doesn't even try to pretend any more that it is anything but a dishonest propaganda machine Your people ave genuine conversations on the merits for and against a national health service People that are for that national health service are labelled commies When your president moaned about too many people from "shithole countries," and that he wanted more people from Norway, Norwegians were like, "The fuck do I want to move to America?" Americans post pictures of poverty and people who have fallen out of the system (as you did in another post) and laugh at those unfortunate people as if they deserve to be living in tents in the "land of the free" 20% of US children live in poverty 50% of your people believe in creationism Your standards of living are significantly poorer compared to Europe, Canada, Japan etc You pick fights with East Asian arable farmers with shit nuclear weapos that are probably more dangerous to them than anyone else yet they are not scared ofyou - not one bit Shock and Awe worked out well didn't it? Maybe one day you'll win a war, it's been many many decades since you did that Your people allowed all their jobs to be shipped overseas and now you believe that Donald Trump is the man to get them back again? hahaha 11% od your population own 95% of the wealth, yet you are are fine with this because you still believe the lie that the 1% tell you about the "American dream" and that one day you'll have some of that if only you could catch a break - they have rigged the game against you, you will never "catch a break" But yeah, please keep going on about Europe and Islam like you only get your news from 2015 whilst your country is tearing itself apart. Opinions Vary Maturin I have been to Europe on many occasions, and I would never live there either, a bunch snobs if you ask me, the most unfriendly, arrogant, and stubborn unreasonable people I have ever worked with.
Thestarider Posted January 21, 2018 Posted January 21, 2018 2 minutes ago, Thestarider said: Opinions Vary Maturin I have been to Europe on many occasions, and I would never live there either, a bunch snobs if you ask me, the most unfriendly, arrogant, and stubborn unreasonable people I have ever worked with. BTW the video is from the mass migration of immigrants the country can not support, California the sanctuary state, once again just goes to show what you know about our country, which is only what the BS media feeds you, and you eat it up.
Maturin Posted January 21, 2018 Posted January 21, 2018 12 minutes ago, Thestarider said: Opinions Vary Maturin I have been to Europe on many occasions, and I would never live there either, a bunch snobs if you ask me, the most unfriendly, arrogant, and stubborn unreasonable people I have ever worked with. There's not really much opinon in any of the points up there, every one of them can be backed up as I'm sure you are more than aware because it won't be the first time you've read similar. It's OK to change your mind, poltics isn't a sport with tribal alleignaces to the team you've supported all your life. You picked an absolutley shit person to be your head of state and surrounded him with the absolute worst people in America by electing those individuals to office, Paul Ryan? Jesus Christ is that really the best that was on offer? They are fucking you over, they have no loyalty to you so stop being loyal to them. Demand change and stop watching their propaganda TV stations because it is obvious you can't see that your country is right on the precipice of fucking itself up. 7 minutes ago, Thestarider said: BTW the video is from the mass migration of immigrants the country can not support, California the sanctuary state, once again just goes to show what you know about our country, which is only what the BS media feeds you, and you eat it up. I know that California is a leading example of treating immigrants and those in need with repect and dignity compared to the rest of your country. I also know that California is one of the wealthiest states, they say it would be the world's 6th largest economy if it were a country in it's own right. It's not too far a stretch to realise that California is being held back by the rest of the crumbling USA.
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