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Trump Will be Impeached

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11 minutes ago, Thestarider said:

Didn't finish off FDR who had a mistress in house right down the street from the white house, Didn't finish off JFK who fucked Marilyn Monroe in the Oval Office, Didn't finish off Bill Clinton who stuck a cigar up Monica Lewinsky pussy in the oval office all while she was giving him BJ under the desk. BTW these 3 all had something in common, can you figure out what that is ? This all happened while they were president, so what makes you think that this prostitute porn star can touch the president Trump for something that happened in 2006?

Likely nothing will happen to him the only thing he'll prove to America is he has lied the whole time. He's always in Denial that he ever does anything wrong. I'd sure laugh like hell if Melania ever tells him to go Fuck Himself and leaves since she has nothing to gain since she signed a Pre-nup with the Idiot.

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Trump never did anything nasty on my dime, in my Oval Office, or while being my government servant. I'm not sure about his taste in his women, though. If I were rich and powerful, I'd be entangled with Leora and Eva (both Russian agents, no doubt. That means I'll never be able to be elected to government office.)

As for Trump, Melania is fine, but Stormy is not quite my kind of girl. Maybe worth a consensual one-night stand, but my budget couldn't handle it.

As for Trump's now has-been political opponent: :biggrin:



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17 hours ago, Foamy T. Squirrel said:

Trump never did anything nasty on my dime, in my Oval Office, or while being my government servant. I'm not sure about his taste in his women, though. If I were rich and powerful, I'd be entangled with Leora and Eva (both Russian agents, no doubt. That means I'll never be able to be elected to government office.)

As for Trump, Melania is fine, but Stormy is not quite my kind of girl. Maybe worth a consensual one-night stand, but my budget couldn't handle it.

As for Trump's now has-been political opponent: :biggrin:


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Stop talking sense, Foamy!  If this continues, you can no longer be my nemesis.

On a related note, Trump is a lousy human being (with no filter). But, he's like most people whether or not with money. Lies, cheats on his wife, talks locker room humor. About the only things he doesn't do like most is drink alcohol and smoke.

As for PRESIDENT TRUMP, he gets an A-/B+ in my book. He's told the UN to screw itself (special mention to Nikki Haley), tore up the Paris Accord (which was garbage if anyone would dare actual READ the treaty and see how one sided it is; not to mention how little CHINA has to abide by it...several years AFTER most other countries), raised import tariffs (I would have started at 10% but the economy will eventually accept the 25% and adjust...as it always has). Made Jerusalem the recognized capital of Israel (just as the UN did back in the early 1990s). Kick up ICE procedures, MAKE AMERICA FIRST...and so on.

My only major disappointment thus far is the border wall.  But maybe I'm expecting too much after just 15 months and a Republican house/congress that has shown its dislike towards Trump. Why??? Because they are lifers. Trump is in and out after 4 or 8 years.

If things remain copacetic, Trump will be elected because people are learning the BS of the past and they don't want to repeat it (especially the Obama years). And on a side note, more African Americans support Trump now then they did 15 months ago. Why is that??? One reason is they see more opportunity as Trump pursues tightening immigration. Another reason is they are prospering more (i.e. tax cuts) than they did under their Lord and Savior, Barack Obama (j/k).

Remember, it's usually the "minor" majority that you hear moan and groan and that the media draws to. It's the quiet majority that are working, doing constructive long term items to better their lives that you will never hear from - the same people who support/voted Trump in office.

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On 3/17/2018 at 12:18 AM, Thestarider said:

The whole of the corrupt Obama/Clinton Machine is being exposed more each day, you see, the failure of the democratic party to just accept they were beaten in the presidential elections has, caused so many of this corrupt society to fall, and one by one they are being put out to pasture and losing the last bit of credibility they once had. Probably the biggest mistake was to appoint Mueller to investigate the so called Russian collusion, as this has backfired on the democratic party, including that Idiot liar Adam Schiff and democratic leaning FBI, that is suppose to be impartial.

Trump ran on cleaning house and even his own cabinet, if you take advantage of the American taxpayer and cheat and lie you will get the axe, of if your a pussy like Tillerson, you get the axe,  Sessions better continue show he has some balls, or he is next to get the axe, Peace through Strength ! It is about time we had a real leader again. Like him or hate him, your life is much better now in the US than it has been in many years.

You know your respected around the world when all of these so called diplomats are talking about you to the press, because if you were not respected, they would not have shit to say now would they.

Peace through Strength

BTW, when is the last time you seen the Russians buzzing out Navy ships with their planes ? What about those Iranian boats that were playing with the Navy, and the Navy couldn't respond because of their hands being tied behind their backs by Obama administration. 

Isis is all but a fraction of what it was just a few years ago. No more televised heads being chopped off is there ?

Peace through Strength

Nicky Haley has been on a tear in the UN and letting the members know, We will no longer stand for being taken advantage of anymore on the world stage, and Little Rocket Man wants to talk now imagine that will you ?

Peace through Strength

Impeach Trump for what ? I guess for not disclosing his tax returns LMAO

In  all fairness (and I am a registered Republican who doesn't necessarily vote along party lines), the republicans through plenty of obstacles at the Dems when Clinton & Obama were in office. It's politics, where you do your best to throw shade in the way of the other party's agenda so they don't look good and they have ammo as the next set of elections approach.  Republicans would have (& still should) rip Hillary a new one for the shit she did while campaigning (and while Sec of State). As much as the Clintons & Obama dislike eash other, Hilary serving as Sec of State was clearly a deal that was made while they were campaigning. It was also what the DNC wanted to give Hills a shot at the presidency.   Anyway, I don't like it. Suck it up that your party lost, move forward and lets get things done.  But when you have career politicians who know how to milk the system,....   

When was the last time you saw a "poor' member of Congress or of the House? They make $174K-200K/year. Not bad but of you look at their lifestyle (kids in private schools, real estate, etc), the perks is why they want the job.  And the career politicians will have higher paying jobs AFTER they get out of office (depending on which companies they helped push their agenda while serving).

PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH: 100%  'nuff said.  And Nikki Haley is rrrrripping it! I can see her being the Republican nominee after Trump gets re-elected (yes Dems, he'll get 4 more years because he's done more things in 15 months then Obama did in 8 years; when you compare what they promised during the campaign vs time served as POTUS.


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1 minute ago, rammer said:


LOL are you kidding me ? Clinton was impeached, but served out his term LOL

Two Presidents of the United States have been impeached by the House of Representatives, Andrew Johnson in 1868 and Bill Clinton in 1998. Neither was convicted by the Senate, so both completed their terms.

So we have never impeached a sitting President, what the fuck makes you think we will start now ?

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Just now, rammer said:

I never said we never impeached a sitting President.  Did I Rider?  Calm down. Be a moderate. Or?

This thread is not moderated rammer, so I am just a member of the forum when I post here, or for the most part anywhere in the forum.

Every time you pull your snowflake shit and I respond to you, you pull out this I need to Moderate card, and you know why because you couldn't hold your own in serious debate if you tried !

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