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Maria & Grisha Part #2

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19 minutes ago, Sparkles said:

They improved a little on that.. but the quality indeed aren't the best (At the bedroom the best quality cam is so far away from the bed that became useless)

Buts it's still bad. People will watch the places with better quality when there's no gangbang going on at GM place. Especially the kitchen cams are grainy and blurry

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2 hours ago, jabbath1987 said:

I really like these posts of yours. makes me smile each time :biggrin:

smile is enough for me  , thank god  jabbath you are smiling again:biggrin: and thank god for my posts  brings comments here. their the cause why I Use it (shock by strange posts ) believe me , its work all the time.as usual ,opinion means alot to me :heart: 

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1 hour ago, Sparkles said:

Nop, since they are here for more then 1 month at this new house. Their overall average from stats from 22/11 gives 15,51 posts months. At this house they are under 10posts/day... But they are online for almost one year, and that should be taken also in consideration.

sparkles dear , are mention this couple mybe leave very soon according by stas and rating ?if this be,this be sad news.. ..:cry:

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1 minute ago, nack said:

They are not going anywhere unless they decide to quit themselves.After all these months, I still see Zoi and Tim.Surely Maria and Grisha have more fan following.

up to me, maria more has dgree than  others but this on up to me , I'am fan of her along time ago ::)

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It's very hard to be interesting, much less sexually interesting for a very long time. There has to be more to it then just sex all the time to keep people watching. Some kind of draw. The fact that they have been on for this long proves the point that there are voyeurs at large, who do watch them regularly. If they didn't have an audience they wouldn't be here. It's also possible that they dont, and the overhead is so low that either way it has no impact on VH, but you'd have to know that for sure to make that claim. That's why I don't make posts asking VH to cut anyone off. I don't know all the reasons (not always money) VH keeps an apt online and I don't know the threshold for getting cut. It's easier for me to just not visit the apts I'm not satisfied with and let VH deal with the stats. 

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2 hours ago, Sparkles said:

Nop, since they are here for more then 1 month at this new house. Their overall average from stats from 22/11 gives 15,51 posts months. At this house they are under 10posts/day... But they are online for almost one year, and that should be taken also in consideration.

The number of posts on CC forums is not the thermometer of the popularity of a house. 

There are 15 people on CC who post everyday. Sparkles you post something like 1000 posts a week.. These are not the real stats.

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