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HFB......Say what you want thread!!


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1 minute ago, Thestarider said:

LMAO :biggrin::biggrin: Now this is why created this thread......Hell don't stop I am enjoying the good read.

Would like to Thes but I got a little carried away earlier with a post and need to put myself in the penalty box for awhile. Besides I am not as good at this as Mike is.

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17 minutes ago, ed2 said:

HarleyFatboy and vortios, I get the impression sometimes, they think they speak the more true voice of RLC costumers, even though they are not subscribers themselfs. I can see how that prowokes you.

I never pretended to speak for others tham myself.

We also have another member on here, who think he is the most intelegent living creature on planet earth.


11 minutes ago, Snakeater said:

Unlike you ED2 I speak only for myself. Also you need to get your facts straight before you accuse. I have been a subscriber of RLC and CC longer than you have by quite awhile.

where did I say anything about you? Both I and you speak only for ourselfs

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11 minutes ago, C_TAY_2 said:

Tyren ansigt mand og Euro ikke lide hinanden, hvorfor behøver dette sted at skrive græde ligesom baby og opkald kvinde navne, ingen rigtig mand opkald kvinde navne som bull ansigt mand. Ensomme gamle mand bull ansigt mand

Hvad er dit poeng?

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15 minutes ago, C_TAY_2 said:

Taurus man's face and Euro do not like each other, why does this place to write cry like baby and call women's names, no real man calling women names like bull face man. Lonely old man bull face man

Yes TAY that was Harley showing his true colors--calling women names-

when you hate yourself, you hate other people.

when a man loses his virility-he preys on women

you have just witnessed both side of the true HarlleyFatBoy

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3 minutes ago, C_TAY_2 said:

Bull ansigt mand som betyder gamle tom kat, altid krybende rundt bageste gyde leder efter kamp.

Ja, helt klart, det var det han hadde i tankene da han valgte sitt profilbilde.

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On 6/16/2017 at 2:48 PM, ed2 said:

It is not just here in rants & flame wars, it is on the regular threads too.

We have discussed things before Foamy, and out views differ very much. You see people as trolls if they post that a tenant in their opinion hides too much, puts up an act or just is not perfect. You told me it is done only to prowoke. In other words, sharing opinions is equal to being a troll?

So euromike (on the regular threads) constantly attacing members he dissagrees with, calling them plain stupid, saying they had a bad upbringing, that is clearly not being a troll, that is totally legit?

P.S. one can ask, who appoints these mods? (sorry if I was too offencive, I'm just getting some anger out, sorry!).

-It's OK to criticize action of tenants, just explain WHY in a logical manner. We don't like food fights erupting in the apartment threads. The Rules say as much.

-Feel free to disagree with me at any time. I'm reasonable, unless I'm busy banning spammers in which case I don't want to deal with petty shit.

-I was actually  approved by Admin and it was put up for a vote. A democratic-republic procedure in action. My use of aspirin has increased a thousand-fold since I took this thankless job.

-StnCld, on the other hand, was anointed by the Flying Spaghetti Monster and therefore rules via Divine Right. I think he must be on a morphine drip by now.

-I promise to slap Euromike upside the head for you. Can I borrow your face to do it with? I don't want to get my Fisher-Price Ban Hammer dirty. :biggrin:



ban hammer.jpg

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I see that you are knew to the forum by the lack of posts you have.  You don't know me from Adam and understand anything about me.  When I was a member and there was something that I liked, I would say so.  When there was something that I noticed, good or bad, I would say so.  If I noticed the girls coming in from being out all night in the late hours of the morning and then going into the bathroom to blow all the excess coke out of their noses, I would say so.  If people can't handle the truth about these darling little virgin princesses.......guess what, I'm going to say so!

These girls are slutty girls, coke heads, pot heads, alcoholics, and an easy fucking lay it appears.  The June 1st incident should prove that alone.  What kind of girls are going to lay all over a girl that is partied out and sleeping just to have their fun when there was a perfectly good, unused big bed just down the hall?  I'll tell you who, these drugged up sluts that's who.  They don't give a damn for anything or anyone but themselves.  I never was a fan of Nicole but I think she got treated very unfairly by the other girls just because she was out having fun and brought her fun home a few times.  These girls are the type of girls that jealousy rears it's ugly head with.

The use of pads/panty liners.......what a joke that is on the forum.  Oh....so and so just put a pad on, I guess she is out of commission for a week.  A lot of the time I think the girls do it, and do it in plain open site of the cameras to make sure all the viewers see it, just so they can't skate on by for another week and not have to do anything.  Yes, there are times when that time of the month hits but not 3 weeks out of the month.

Gina, who used to use the laundry room to roll her doobies now rolls them in the downstairs toilet, front entry way, or hunched over in the corner of her room.  She then goes out the front door and sucks it down and returns 5 minutes later with the giggles, the munchies, and a big smile on her face.  Do I have anything against her doing that, NO I don't (I myself smoke a little weed from time to time) but I'm not going to sit here and read the posts of idiots defending her just because they want to see her pussy for the 1,000th time.  I'm going to tell it like I see it and if people don't like it, too freaking bad!!

The night Nicole brought Marc home and had sex with him in the bathroom, should not be tolerated by anyone that pays to see it, yet the defenders of the RLC Universe will always come up with an excuse as to why it was done and why people that pay good money should tolerate it.  This is just one example of hundreds that these guys keep defending on a regular basis.  What bothers me the most is when someone on the forum that is not in their group posts anything, they immediately get attacked by these defenders of the RLC Universe and that is not right.  People should be able to say what they feel about something without being attacked for it.

The hiding is probably one of my biggest gripes with RLC and how they don't really handle it.  The couple that stayed at T&W's the other day put up a screen of some sort that I read about.  That is a total slap in the face for those of you that pay to see it.  All this bullshit about someone being a guest and that someone doesn't have to show anything if they don't want to bullshit is total crap.  I agree, if they don't want to show something that they shouldn't have to but at the same time don't make areas where they can go and hide just to not show something.  In other words, there should be a camera in every room that is occupied by the tenants and if someone doesn't want to show something, then turn your back to the camera or put your bra on under your shirt or put your panties on under your skirt, but don't hide behind someone to bathe or behind a towel that someone is holding up or behind sheets because you want to get off with a vibrator.  The hiding is the biggest slap in the face to the paying customers of RLC and yet it gets defended by the defenders of the RLC Universe time and time again.  It's pathetic what these guys are willing to put up with just to act and appear the good guys on the forum.

Rosie, now this girl is a class act.  The kind of girl everyone wants to bring home to mom.  She hasn't contributed a damn thing since she has been on RLC except for being one of the coke head party girls.  Sleep all day, or most of it to go and entertain until late hours of the next morning.  She is a waste of space on RLC and that's the way I see it.  Her little masturbating episode that she did yesterday was quite funny and at the same time it was very eye opening as to what these girls do when not around the cameras.

They all know what they sign up for, but continue to let down their audience.  Something that RLC has let happen and apparently will never do anything about it. They will continue to support these working girls and their over abundance of time outside the apartments and that was something I chose to not participate in,  but the defenders of the RLC Universe see absolutely nothing wrong with it and will crash down on others that feel differently.  I'm not saying that they should be shackled to the apartment with a 30 foot chain around their ankles but they are there for the people who pay to watch them and it's kind of hard to watch them when they are outside the apartment more than they are in it!!!

You can side with the ass kissers of the forum all you want, it won't hurt my feelings a bit.  I'm going to tell it like I've seen it and if people want to act like children about it, then by all means.....go ahead.

That's all I got for now and I'm going to bed.....have a good night!

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Personally, I follow the older apartments.

I never much like hanging out with "models."

They don't really know how to do auto body work, sew, knit, do jigsaw puzzles, and they don't read Schopenhauer.

I never got off on Fredrick's of Hollywood or Victoria's Secret catalogs.

An occasional round of Twister is worth watching, however. I'm cool with that.

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Well Harley I see you have your mouth running again and not knowing what you are talking about. If a guest is in the apt. and does not want to be seen naked on camera that is their option . Not yours to tell them what to do. I do agree the screen did go to far. Unless you can prove that Gina is doing coke or weed then do not be accusing her of it. A lot of people roll their own smokes. Back when I smoked I rolled mine for awhile useing pipe tobacco. RLC probably dos not require that the girls get nude for you and if you are not a tenent it is up to you if you want to show anything. A non tenent does not get paid or a bonus just so you can get your jollies and whack your shriveled up worm. RLC also says when you sign up it is the normal everyday lives of the tenants. It does not say they are locked in the apt. just for you to watch.The Lovely Tay or Lyree will agree that there are other times when women use panty liners than when they are on their period. My ex wife was a dancer and would use them once in awhile to keep her bottoms clean in case she leaked a little while dancing from her drinking. If you were around women at all you would know this. Now back to our regularly scheduled program.

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5 hours ago, Foamy T. Squirrel said:

Personally, I follow the older apartments.

I never much like hanging out with "models."

They don't really know how to do auto body work, sew, knit, do jigsaw puzzles, and they don't read Schopenhauer.

I never got off on Fredrick's of Hollywood or Victoria's Secret catalogs.

An occasional round of Twister is worth watching, however. I'm cool with that.

I agree!

rlc newest additions, l&r and m&a, are both very good too

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