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HFB......Say what you want thread!!


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1 minute ago, euromike69 said:

There's a reason why your name is curious,,,,you are curious to fuck anything that walks on 4 legs,, I swore I was at the Zoo the other day and saw 2 Gorillas that look just like you,,how did you manage to jump the fence and overpower them?

Or did you give them some strong ass Horse Tranquilizers::)::)

dont stop... u r so good

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40 minutes ago, curious said:

lol.... look who is talking

LOL.... yes, I'm getting fed up answering him, he will never even want to understand anyway.... I think I'l drop out of this discussion now

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24 minutes ago, Snakeater said:

Bien curioso ver que había que mostrar y demostrar que tiene la falta de un cerebro o el sentido común. He visto por 2 años. edad que pueden producir un mejor venir atrás que eso. Usted es tan malo como vortious en cómo se habla de las mujeres en RLC. ¿Cuántas mujeres se convierten en una sola noche? Veinte, treinta o es 40. Cuando cada mujer que rechaza que hablar con usted debe disponer del tiempo duro, al iniciar los hombres que piden su lugar. No se preocupe en algún momento antes de morir algunas mujeres pueden decir que sí. Pero no van en serio.

usted tiene la cribilidad de un muerto. Habla de los demás con una alegría, como si usted conociese a los demás de toda la vida.

lo más inteligente que dicen, no lo saben expresar sin un insulto. Usted si que no merece estar en un foro entre personas educadas.

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6 hours ago, vortios said:

I really did not intend to write in the thread, because as always, it seems that here, there are people paid by RLC, but it is a great injustice, because they work a lot. They are many hours, every day, at all hours. That should be tired, and without a newspaper. I say this is very unfair.

As for the moderators, a chat, where by active and passive, I have always been told that they have nothing to do with RLC, and without going into details, that nobody cares about these private conversations, I think the Moderator, should be influenced less by the cries of four or ten profiles, which sometimes, I doubt, are dissidents, because in a plural forum, as always, can not please everyone.
You better than anyone, knows the people who enter, who participates and who has stopped participating.
I know of some who came in times, even before CC was born, since they came from another Spanish chat, which closed in 2013 ... I guess that will sound to you.
I only know what they have told me. And because a lot of people from that stop participating in CC, I think for something like that.
But you can take your company as you see fit. If you only want to end up as an RLC transmission belt, it's your free choice.

Entering the topic of the forum ... And I speak as always only from Barcelona, which is the only reason I became a subscriber of RLC, and also the reason why I stopped being subscribed, NO fan.
I am sorry for the ten people who do not accept my opinions, as long as the moderators leave me, I will continue to comment on what happens inside the houses.
Some of his comments seem so childish, that they are not worth even stopping to laugh at. I'm sorry, but it's the pure reality.
They talk about whether you are gay or if you hate women ... We are talking about the floors or we are talking about the floors ... But as I say neither deserves comment.
Some believe everything they are told, and are unable to see things even if they are explained in a paper, but that is not bad, it is only their way of life.
Some tell me that they have lived so much in life, or have been with several women, or have seen this for so long and are almost detectives because they find people in social networks, it is true, in a few days, they They tell me who they are in social networks ... of that there is no doubt.

Other people talk about some of us, we behave like spokespeople, to tell them that they are very wrong, there are people who talk to me in private, because in public, directly do not want to discuss or receive 20 reviews, for expressing an opinion.

Finally, those who complain that my writings are very long, tell them that they are much shorter, that any news story, perhaps, have not noticed that, or have not read a journalistic article in his life. Must read more! It's good for the brain.

I want to dedicate my last words to this one by Harley Harley and so many others, that good or bad, wrong or not, continue to think freely, and that no one curtails your freedom of expression.
We know that people are what they are, but we can not change that. But let's not let them change us either.

I have always fought against the one thought, and always will.

Vortios, I tried to read and comprehend what you are trying to say.  However, your translator is terrible, because not much makes good logical sense.

Educated people can express themselves in concise terms, not rambling expose's .



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1 hour ago, vortios said:

you have the cribilidad of the dead. Speech of others with joy, as if you knew others in life.

the smart thing to say, they know not express without an insult. You if you should not be in a forum among educated people.

Who made the remark that you are educated?

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2 hours ago, ed2 said:

LOL.... yes, I'm getting fed up answering him, he will never even want to understand anyway.... I think I'l drop out of this discussion now

Where the fuck you running to Forest?

I already understand that you hate women, and this is the place you came to vent your little frustration with them,,, Does any part of your brain ever tell you that it actually pays to be nice to them to have them actually like you,,,, If nobody wants to tell you the truth I will.

Try being nice for once and stop trying to be an asshole and you would see just how much better your life will turn out to be.

Be more like me and accept who you are and you will be better for it,,,, 

I know that I am one of the smartest and richest people on here,,,I'm also a loud mouth and very opinionated, I Curse,Hurt Trolls feelings, I posts a lot of Gifs just to piss off the ones who hate seeings gifs etc etc I know who I am,, do you know who Ed2 is?:biggrin::biggrin:


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10 minutes ago, euromike69 said:

I know that I am one of the smartest and richest people on here

Sure you are!!!!


13 minutes ago, euromike69 said:

Try being nice for once and stop trying to be an asshole



14 minutes ago, euromike69 said:

, Does any part of your brain ever tell you that it actually pays to be nice to them to have them actually like you,,

I live half around a continent from them, never conversated with them, I would never even want to try reach out, so how would they know or bother.

I'm here to discuss with other members, this is not a chanel to comunicate with the tenants, that is a diversion!

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1 hour ago, ed2 said:

Sure you are!!!!



Certified_Idiot.gifCertified_Idiot.gifI live half around a continent from them, never conversated with them, I would never even want to try reach out, so how would they know or bother.

I'm here to discuss with other members, this is not a chanel to comunicate with the tenants, that is a diversion!

Ok let me dumb it down for you Ed2 I keep forgetting that your IQ level is pretty low.


I hope you get it now,,,,,I tried not to use too many big and complicated words and I spoke slowly so even you could get it.


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On 6/16/2017 at 6:10 PM, C_TAY_2 said:

Tyren ansigt mand og Euro ikke lide hinanden, hvorfor behøver dette sted at skrive græde ligesom baby og opkald kvinde navne, ingen rigtig mand opkald kvinde navne som bull ansigt mand. Ensomme gamle mand bull ansigt mand

I'm sorry but how my translator translates this, make no sense.  Keep trying to choose your words better and maybe one day we can have a legitimate discussion.  Thank You.


17 hours ago, Snakeater said:

Well Harley I see you have your mouth running again and not knowing what you are talking about. If a guest is in the apt. and does not want to be seen naked on camera that is their option . Not yours to tell them what to do. I do agree the screen did go to far. Unless you can prove that Gina is doing coke or weed then do not be accusing her of it. A lot of people roll their own smokes. Back when I smoked I rolled mine for awhile useing pipe tobacco. RLC probably dos not require that the girls get nude for you and if you are not a tenent it is up to you if you want to show anything. A non tenent does not get paid or a bonus just so you can get your jollies and whack your shriveled up worm. RLC also says when you sign up it is the normal everyday lives of the tenants. It does not say they are locked in the apt. just for you to watch.The Lovely Tay or Lyree will agree that there are other times when women use panty liners than when they are on their period. My ex wife was a dancer and would use them once in awhile to keep her bottoms clean in case she leaked a little while dancing from her drinking. If you were around women at all you would know this. Now back to our regularly scheduled program.

As usual Snakeater, what I said went right over your head!  I agreed and said so in my post that if they didn't want to be seen naked on camera that was OK.  What is not OK in my opinion is purposely going to the bathroom (where at least 5 to 6 people can damn near get totally out of site and snort coke) down the hall to take a whores bath and no telling what else, and doing it off camera.  Like I said in my post, RLC should have NO.....I repeat, NO hidden rooms or hiding spots because that is not what people are paying for.  People are not paying to watch the contracted tenants or their guests hide out in rooms with huge blind spots or no cameras at all.  If a guest like the guest of KK&H for example don't want to show anything on camera, they simply turn their backs to the camera to remove their under garments or to put their under garments on, or they put their under garments on under their clothes.  I believe that is the way it should be and if you don't then so be it.  People are paying to see the lives of these tenants and their guest, the word "SEE" being the opportune word here. They are not paying to see them hide!!!

As for Gina, I'm not going to argue with you about her and many of the others that come back from being out for hours on end and then come home and spend many more hours just trying to get to sleep because they were so excited from just being away from the apartment and that drugs had nothing to do with it.  Come on man, use your brain for once!!

If you believe that RLC does not require the girls to be nude, then you are more out there than I thought.  RLC wouldn't survive if that was the case, I'm sorry to tell you but they just wouldn't.

LMAO.....as for the panty liners/pads/tampons, I said a long time ago that they use them not only when it's that time of the month but I guess you must of missed that post.  I know all about what women do with them and it's sad that you are just now finding out yourself!!

What kind of dancer was your EX?

14 hours ago, C_TAY_2 said:

Tay glad hver nat celbrate liv, Tay som mand kvinde ingen pleje som have det sjovt og grine parti hele natten. Ingen person ejer mig, bull face man ønsker egne piger på skærmen, hvorfor vil du have egen? Ingen lignende frihed? Piger gør overraskelse er, hvad Tay synes. I dag finder små piger reel seksualitet inde. Nogle gange ser du men ulykkelig uanset hvad der ses på skærmen. Fortæl gerne er, nej TAY tror ikke det. Tal som ulykkelig mand har brug for lykke.

Tay ved, hvordan gøre tyren ansigt mand skifte sind

Image result for Homemade Wife Boobs

Nice pic but your words translate all wrong and I'm sorry I just don't understand what you are trying to say!

14 hours ago, happyone said:

To all of you who read this,  if this is the type of individual to whom you wish to associate-go ahead.  But to me, anyone who demeans other people in the manner that he does

is appalling. . It is hard to understand that since he is not longer a member,  it appears is sole mission is to bash the RLC girls, try to convince others to come over to his

side and join him in the ruthless fight against RLC and some of it's participants--and to also condemn and mock some of us who YES defend against this kind of rhetoric against

anyone to whom it is directed.

It's not my mission, I was a member of RLC damned near since day 1 up until a few months ago, I know the things these girls do and their mannerism's, I know their little tricks they pull and all because I've seen them do it time and time again.  You are one individual that thinks his shit don't stink and that you are always right with everything you post here.  I have news for you happyone, you're not!!

The problem I see with you and your little group of merry men & I'm sure a couple of ladies that hang out here as well, but what I'm fixing to say really only pertains to you and your little group of merry men, is that I believe that you and your group is so addicted to RLC that you will defend any negativity towards RLC or their girls in fear of it getting shutdown because none of you would know how to function without your addiction.  I was hooked once but not to the point where I wouldn't tell it like I seen it or how it was. I kicked the habit and I'm glad I did.  A person that is so into RLC like you are happyone, has NO life and I bet you put off doing things all the time because you sit there saying to yourself, I can't go do this or that because I believe that something is fixing to happen and the next thing you know a week has gone by and then two and then a month etc. etc..  You are no better than anyone else on this forum and that goes for your little groupie as well.

Before you come back at me with a barrage of insults, just take some time and think about what I said and if you are honest with yourself you will see I'm right.  I've read it time and time again on this forum that people put off doing things because they thought something was fixing to happen and they didn't want to miss it.  Face it, they are hooked, a hook so deep it would take surgery just to remove it.

The final thing I'm going to say tonight is this........if people don't like what I have to say, then why come to this thread in the first place.  Leave it to those that want to discuss the good with the bad and go back to your little happy home of the Barca and KK&H threads where everything is a fairy tale....smoke and mirrors....forever secret chats and constant whispering,  go back to that place and leave this thread for the people that you don't like.  The people that you think have no brain, the people that you think don't know how to treat a lady, the people that you think are always negative, leave this thread for those kind of people because you obviously don't know shit about me or the kind of person I am or the kind of person that any of the others that may feel somewhat like me....are.  

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