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Anna & Alex, Bree & Drew - Part 1

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3 minutes ago, sr71gn said:

Well even if anna has never told Ashley the rules than VH should make contact directly with Ashley --If she knew and just flagrantly disobeyed them anna should be made to evict her immediately--If they determine Ashley had no idea what was expected of her then anna should be dumped for flagrantly violating the rules---I thought all the participants had to sign contracts

This is the exact point of all the disaster here.
Especially for being the apartment of Anna and Alex that in the past already acted like this.
Completely losing all sense and logic.

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when Dana and her boyfriend were in the apartment having fun, everybody was complaining that the abusing, wrong and fuck knows what else, now we've got this boring shit

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5 minutes ago, waldi said:

when Dana and her boyfriend were in the apartment having fun, everybody was complaining that the abusing, wrong and fuck knows what else, now we've got this boring shit

Last times he behaved. 

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7 minutes ago, jabbath1987 said:

The reason all that girls and guys dont visit anymore is Hide-i I guess.

the reason that all those people don't want to come back is viewers. They simply afraid, that whatever they do, you guys will complain. Easy my friend.
I'd say keep calm and watch!

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