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Everything posted by disneykid

  1. Watching the girls with all the pots and pans filling the bath ,takes me back to the old days filling the tin bath in front of the fire in the living room, Those were the days
  2. Do the girls like diceing with death water and electric don’t go very well go together😟
  3. They are a nice couple . Also where is the clothes airer going next .its been every where except the hall. No Heating i presume !
  4. A couple of very clever girls 😊
  5. The girls look abit bored today, abit lost with things todo . They need a day to relax as they are always on the go
  6. Kira.s lost the plot but she’s happy
  7. I don’t know if you have noticed lately Sturm ,but the girls aren’t kissing and cuddling much like they used too They are more like sisters than a married couple, I hope nothing is upsetting them,
  8. Looks like hair ball has been laid to rest ! Kira has just put it a drawer in the hall
  9. Thank you Kira for adjusting cam 1
  10. Have the girls ever ridden a horse before?i
  11. Come on girls what has happened to the cameras the kitchen cam1 needs tilting up a bit and the bathroom has a nice view of the wall and window and we all know about cam8 in the bedroom
  12. It looked like the the bird died .they did their best for it. kira was there to comfort NINA who was upset and yes NINA is a big softy at heart
  13. Kira can be quite a comic at times She still keeps looking at cam 8 I think she wants it moved ,but Nina isn’t taking any notice
  14. Nice advert for persil
  15. Can someone ask Kira if she can tilt cam1 up a little , I think Butch knock. It the.other. Night
  16. while Nina is in productive mood fixing a heater ,why not move cam 8
  17. When they were in the first app, they couldn’t get enough sex , each time they moved the sex got less I think the next move will be a convent
  18. Last night in the bedroom Kira was abit playful and horny with Nina , I don’t understand Russian ,but it looked like Nina had right go at Kira , why I don’t know, Sitting in bed Nina on her phone , poor Kira with a long face thinking what did I do wrong, Why does Nina keep rejecting Kira I have my thoughts but I’ll leave it that for now!
  19. Only two ginger ones and two shaved ones
  20. And you don’t need a tv licence to watch the girls Who watch’s tv these days anyway
  21. Why does Nina keep waxing Kira ,when you already have perfection I think she should be doing the other end Now that could be interesting!
  22. You should of stayed where you were ,then you would have as much hot water as you wanted,
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