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Everything posted by nack

  1. Terrible news to wake up to..😪 Rest in peace Cheesy ! May God give strength to your family and loved ones in this time of grief. You are in Happy place now with your wife.
  2. Hey Naga..don’t follow RLC at all but came across your post. I wish Cheesy a good recovery and may God give him strength to bear the pain. Hope he find peace. Good Luck !!
  3. I had Plantar fasciitis once.Luckily,it reduced with the right exercise and eating habits.
  4. Hmmm..she looks like a young Nicole Richie.
  5. They are planning to reroute ALL the Russian Internet traffic through a local Russian telecom watchdog and making sure that NOTHING goes outside of Russia. All this has been supported by the Russian telcos and Kaspersky. Even Yandex and Mail.ru are in agreement. ..😯
  6. Wish you all the best lets. Get well soon.
  7. That's a C Class Private IP not routed over Internet. Commonly used in LAN's in other words wrong IP.
  8. Sasha and Dasha livingroom sex,Feb 2 https://mab.to/L88pUvEav
  9. Ulyana and friend long kitchen nudity and dance,Feb 2 (Video Content No Longer Available)
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